create stmts generated dynamically and execute them on specific database

  • Hi,

    Small requirement

    I have two databases "db1" and "db2".

    I have table in my database say "db1".

    create table Metadata

    (tname varchar(100),

    cols varchar(1000)


    insert into Metadata

    select 't1','(period varchar(10),name varchar(10),sname varchar(100))'

    union all

    select 't2','(period varchar(10),name varchar(10),sname varchar(100))'

    select * from Metadata ;

    Inside,db1 database i also have a stored procedure which will be generating create table script based on metadata table. Here is the stored procedure for which i will be passing a parameter which will

    be prefixed in forming the tablename dynamically inside my stored procedure.

    create proc usp_generate_create_stmts

    @period varchar(100)



    select 'create table '+@period+'_'+tname+cols from metadata


    Sample execution


    usp_generate_create_stmts 'Q1'

    Sample output


    create table Q1_t1(period varchar(10),name varchar(10),sname varchar(100))

    create table Q1_t2(period varchar(10),name varchar(10),sname varchar(100))

    Now my requirement is that i need to execute the generated output on "db2" database.

    In otherwords i want to create tables on "db2" database.

    How to accomplish this??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Sorry not tested it. 'USE DB' wont help?


  • Nabha has the right idea. You need to have a Use DB2 GO in order to change the database context.

  • if the login that is running the script has rights to both db1 and db2, you could simply qualify the script fully like:

    create table [db2].dbo.[<table name>] as .... select * from [db1].dbo.[<some table>] etc..

    This also assumes that the databases are on the same server.

    Just a thought. 😎

  • Hi All,

    I am able to generate the scripts dynamically. just i need the code which can execute the generated sql inside the stored procedure.

    The login has all the required permissions to create the tables in "db2".


  • hmm.. along with your script include 'USE db2 GO' in your dynamic SQL and use sp_executesql to execute it.

    BTW, as Doug.Williams mentions, you can use the fully qualified name also!


  • Is this what you mean when you want to know how to execute the script?

    create procedure test



    declare @script varchar(1000)

    set @script = 'select getDate() as MyDate'



    May be way off in understanding the problem. Please clarify.


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