Crack that Encrypted Data

  • tripleAxe (4/20/2016)

    robert.sterbal 56890 (4/19/2016)

    Has anyone set up 2 virtual machines on their desktop, one for browsing and email and one for everything else?

    I've done this recently. Got burned with letting the kids download some stuff on my laptop. End result was popups and extra toolbars and search bars all over internet explorer.

    All my data was already backed up anyway so I re-installed Windows 10. Used disk2vhd on the new windows 10 box and then flattened the laptop and installed Linux Mint. Installed VirtualBox and fired up the Windows 10 image. I've also installed Ubuntu and Windows 7 as guest OS's.

    Just need some way of getting Garmin Express to work on the Win7 guest now. Can't seem to get it to see the ANT+ stick using USB 🙁

    I have over 20 VM images setup. Started out using Hyper-V, but switched to VirtualBox.

    as noted, you can use disk2vhd to convert older machines, which comes in handy for archival purposes. Also setup some VM's for older OS's to run some older software that has some occasional use. Good examples include older versions of Office, ERwin and SQL Server. Also have multiple version of Linux for various Hadoop releases. And lately, the frequent SQL Server 2016 CTE and now RC's. And open source software can often be found in pre-built VM's.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • tripleAxe (4/20/2016)

    robert.sterbal 56890 (4/19/2016)

    Has anyone set up 2 virtual machines on their desktop, one for browsing and email and one for everything else?

    I've done this recently. Got burned with letting the kids download some stuff on my laptop. End result was popups and extra toolbars and search bars all over internet explorer.

    All my data was already backed up anyway so I re-installed Windows 10. Used disk2vhd on the new windows 10 box and then flattened the laptop and installed Linux Mint. Installed VirtualBox and fired up the Windows 10 image. I've also installed Ubuntu and Windows 7 as guest OS's.

    Just need some way of getting Garmin Express to work on the Win7 guest now. Can't seem to get it to see the ANT+ stick using USB 🙁

    I gave the kids laptops at some point, but before I did that, I did the same. Used a VM w/ Win 7 back then for the kids to download. Got tired of that and they got an iMac at one point.

  • More than Degradable says.  If it is ransom on a Hospital and someone dies, it is MURDER!  It is ALL on the hackers heads.  This is why we have FBI and CIA and Blackwater contractors.  They think they are safe living in the cyber world.  Pop a couple of them in the real world, maybe the word will spread.  The sad thing is: people, who can't get out of jury duty, won't be able to follow the tech talk to prove these villains are the actual guilty party.  Judges, looking at the pasty white boys, will go easy on them.  If they hack a hospital or street lights, it is PREMEDITATED MURDER.  Here if Florida, we have Old Sparky to deal with murderers.  The programming community should band together to flush out these people that bring disrepute to our profession.

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