COUNT Records -Query

  • Hi, can somebody help on this

    query 1

    select count(PolicyNumber)

    from GE_ReservesFile

    where Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

    i get count equal to  123

    query 2

    select count(PolicyNumber)

    from #temp

    where Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

    i get count equal to  143

    Actually the count from both the tables should be the same.

    How can i write a query to find which records exists in both tables

    and which records exists in one table and does not exists in the other table

  • SELECT PolicyNumber FROM #temp tmp LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.GE_ReservesFile GE ON tmp.PolicyNumber = GE.PolicyNumber WHERE GE.PolicyNumber IS NULL

  • select case when a.key is not null and b.key is not null

      then 'both'

    case a.key is not null

       then 'ReservesFile'

    case b.key is not null

       then 'Temp'

     else -- not sure how this would happen


    end ,

    a.*, b.*

    from (Select * from GE_ReservesFile

    where Recaptured = 'Recaptured') a

    full outer join

    (select *

    from #temp

    where Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

    ) b

    on a.key = b.key

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Is there a unique (no duplicate) column common to both tables? Is PolicyNumber Unique?

    Try this first on both tables..


    Select COUNT(distinct PolicyNumber) from ...


    Compare the results. If You still get 123 and 143, then use this query to get the rows in #temp which are NOT IN GE_ReservesFile.

    Select T.PolicyNumber from GE_ReservesFile G

    right join #temp T on G.PolicyNumber = T.PolicyNumber

    where G.PolicyNumber IS NULL


    --OR This

    Select PolicyNumber from #temp where PolicyNumber not IN (Select PolicyNumber from GE_ReservesFile)

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • i get the message 0 rows effected when i run this query


    Select T.PolicyNumber from GE_ReservesFile G

    right join #temp T on G.PolicyNumber = T.PolicyNumber

    where G.PolicyNumber IS NULL


    --OR This

    Select PolicyNumber from #temp where PolicyNumber not IN (Select PolicyNumber from GE_ReservesFile)

  • Have you tried inversing the tables?

    Does this return any rows?

    SELECT PolicyNumber, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM #temp GROUP BY PolicyNumber HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

  • yes it does give me counts equal to  141

  • when i run like this it also give me the same records



    SELECT PolicyNumber, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM GE_ReservesFile GROUP BY PolicyNumber HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

  • To find out which PolicyNumbers are duplicated,

    Select T.PolicyNumber, TempCount, GECount from

    (Select PolicyNumber, COUNT(PolicyNumber) as TempCount

    from #temp group by PolicyNumber ) T


    (Select PolicyNumber, COUNT(PolicyNumber) as GECount

    from GE_ReservesFile group by PolicyNumber) G

    on T.PolicyNumber = G.PolicyNumber




    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Are both tables supposed to contain the same data? How do yoo create and populate the temp table? Can you post that code?

    Anyway, here's another variation:

    select G.PolicyNumber AS PolicyNumInBoth

      from GE_ReservesFile G

      join #temp T

        on G.PolicyNumber = T.PolicyNumber

     where G.Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

    select G.PolicyNumber AS PolicyNumNotInTemp

      from GE_ReservesFile G

      left join #temp T

        on G.PolicyNumber = T.PolicyNumber

     where G.Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

       and T.PolicyNumber IS NULL

    select T.PolicyNumber AS PolicyNumNotInGE

      from #temp T

      left join GE_ReservesFile G

        on T.PolicyNumber = G.PolicyNumber

     where T.Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

       and G.PolicyNumber IS NULL

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