Count a string value within a VARCHAR column

  • Need T-SQL to count up the occurrences of a given, arbitrary value listed within an NVARCHAR(255) defined column. 

    In the following example of data housed in a column called:  USER_QUERY nvarchar(255) -- I need the value and count of the value stored AFTER the 3rd period for those strings containing the nested value '&track':


    ctim= =3











    Output would Look like this:
    Value   Occurrences
    --------    ------------------
    12888   2
    6334     2
    2134     1
    7353     5
    13735   2
  • You could try something like this where 'a' is the column containing your data


    select  SUBSTRING(a, (LEN(a) + 2 - CHARINDEX('=',REVERSE(a)) ),10), COUNT(a) AS Occurances from tblTest

    where a like '%&track%'

    group by SUBSTRING(a, (LEN(a) + 2 - CHARINDEX('=',REVERSE(a)) ),10)

  • I would use PATINDEX and SUBSTRING functions to isolate the strings and then group by your numbers. PATINDEX shows the first position of the character in the string.

    For example,

    select patindex('%.%','ctim=')

    will return 7. You will have to use this function 3 times to get the position number of the third dot. Then get a position number for &. Use Substring function to form a temp table containing t your numbers where &track exsits in the string. This is easy: if it does not exist then PATINDEX will be 0 for the expression like:

    select patindex('%&track%','ctim=')

    Then just group and count

    PS - Just saw a solution above - REVERSE will save you 3 iteration, good thought


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • --I have to do quite a bit of this sort of work

    --I use a generic function to return the nth part of a

    --string delimited by whatever delimiter you specify

    Create function dbo.ufsSplit --you need do this once only!!


    @String varchar(8000),

    @which int,

    @Delimiter varchar(10) = ','


    RETURNS varchar(8000) AS


    Declare @ii int

    Declare @Substring Varchar(8000)

    select @ii=1, @Substring=''

    WHILE @ii <= @which



     IF (@String IS NULL OR @Delimiter IS NULL )


      select @Substring=''




     IF CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String) = 0


      SELECT @subString = @string

      select @String=''




      SELECT @subString = substring( @String, 1, CHARINDEX( @Delimiter, @String )-1)

      select @String = substring( @String, CHARINDEX( @Delimiter, @String )+len(@delimiter),len(@String))


     select @ii=@ii+1


    RETURN (@subString)



    -- so lets do the job properly and set up the test data

    Set nocount on

    declare @LogData table (userQuery varchar(255))

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim= =3'

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim=91.330.1138.2134&track=41'

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim='

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim=89.328.1108.13735&track=60'

    insert into @logdata(userquery) select 'ctim=89.328.1108.13735&track=61'

    --and the actual procedure is reasonably simple. It would require only a little mod

    --to pick up the 'track' value too (but that is for you to try!)

    Select,4,'.'),1,'&'),count(*) from @logdata

    where userQuery like '%&track%' group by dbo.ufsSplit(dbo.ufssplit(userQuery,4,'.'),1,'&')



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