Controlling page breaks

  • I need to write a report on work placements at different emloyers

    It takes the form of a letter to the employer followed by a declaration of certain information to be completed by the employer.

    I have grouped the employees by the employers and basically have all the information required.

    But I need to split the declaration from the letter, by inserting a page break. as the grouping allows only a break before and/or after the complete section I have tried adding a text field including 'CHR(12)' but this just outputs as a small square.

    I can find no options to add breaks after individual fields.

    Please has anyone any ideas

  • Try adding letter in dataset and then create group on that field without header and footer but with page break at end.

  • That way I get one letter for each work placement, the aim is to get one letter per employer, having a list of the employees after the letter. Thanks anyway.

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