Control number of pages in a report

  • I have a report that wraps on to a second page. I would like to control the number of records on one page so that all the records appear on the same page. How can I force all records onto one page?

  • You would need to limit the number of rows returned to the report in order to force it to be one page all the time.

    If you just want to insure a consistent number of items per page you can try to create groups based on the row number and and end each group with a page break.

  • I was having the opposite problem yesterday - I actually wanted to split up my report into multiple pages, as I had a ton of data, but it was all on one page 😀

    If you can squeeze in a drilldown grouping somewhere and set it to being hidden to begin with, then when you run the report, it seems to put all of your data on one page, regardless of how much data there is.

    I don't know if you can apply this to your example, but maybe someone else can extend this further so it can apply more directly?

    Good luck!

  • The page size can be set in two ways. First select your report and show properties. Under LAyout you can define the size of a page.

    For the HTML reports you have to set the Properety InteractiveSize. A height of ) means that all records will be displayed on one page, no matter how many you get.

    When you export your reports to pdf you have to use the property Pagesize.

    Hope this helps

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • I am not sure how to change this value to be interactive. I found the layout property, but can't figure out what value to put in to make it interactive. I tried putting in a really high value, but the report still has two pages.

  • Use a height value of 0 for interactivesize.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • I tried that and receive an error "THe value of the PageHeight property for the report 'body' is "0", which is not a valid size."

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