Connection Problem in IIS

  • I am working on a website that uses IIS 5.0 with all the latest and greatest services packs. I am also using Analysis services with all of the current service packs.

    The problem I am having is this:

    The site is quick, responsive and produces results, but after a certain number of queries to analysis services (The exact number is dependent on other circumstances) a connection is created that doesn't respond and even after the session times and the connection is supposed to be destroyed the connection still stays resident and affects all other subsequent connections.

    Once this happens no one can get anything from the site until I go into IIS manager and clear the application pool. Then the site picks back up until a random point in time when the connection hangs again.

    Thanks for any advice.

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  • Could be related to SSPI/Kerberos as MSOLAP is notoriously difficult with NT Security delegates and the like. Look at what account IIS connects to MSOLAP under and what account runs MSOLAP

    Keith Henry

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

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