Connecting to AS2000 via OWC through a firewall

  • Hello!

    (first, thankyou for taking the time to read this!)

    I have an intranet.  I have Windows 2000 server/ SQL Server2000/ AnalysisServices.

    Users have Win2000 / office 2000 on the local intranet.

    I have set up cubes, and setup connection to the cubes via Excel using "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services 8.0".

    LOCAL users on the intranet ARE ABLE to connect to the cubes, by finding the Excel sheet I have placed on the intranet.  Seeing the xls file, they are able to choose to Open the file in EXCEL or “Browse” the file in a Browser window.   In both cases they are able to see the excel tabs, and interactively change dimensions.  This is good.  But…

    Employees signon remotely to the intranet through their browsers by entering the address of our intranet and inputting their domain\username and Password at the prompt…thus authenticating to the domain.

    When coming in thru the intranet, Users navigate to the my saved Excel file and open it.  They are immediately able to see the excel data (in either Excel or Browser).  Also, the OWC “Dimension Picker” window pops up.  However, when they attempt to change a dimension a window pops up asking them to “Choose the location of the Multidimensional data source that you want to use.”  (A note on the window says, “You need to provide authentication information only if you are establishing an HTTP connection.)  I don’t know of any answers that allow one to get past this window.  After that, I get the message:

    “Unable to connect to the Analysis server.  The server name ‘xxxxxxxx’ was not found.  Please verify that the name you entered is correct, and then try again.”

    Yes.. I am sure the name is correct.

    4 Questions:

    1.      Why is the local intranet browser enabled to connect to the Cubes without ‘authentication’?

    2.      What is the difference that prevents a remote user from connecting and that forces that window to pop up?  Or, why can’t the remote user find the Analysis cube?

    3.      Is it possible that HTTP connections to an Analysis server are only allowed with an Enterprise server?  (if so, how did the local users connect via browser?)

    4.      Any general suggestions on what I am trying to accomplish?  (i.e. using OWC through the internet, passing through the company firewall into the company’s intranet to reach an Analysis server).

    Other background: Remote users Have installed PTSlite.exe.  (on some remote users, a full version of AS2000 is installed, and still the same message shows up.)

    I have set the options on the internet browser of the remote client to trust the local domain.

    I have ensured that port 2725 is opened on the protective firewall of the company.

    Finally, thanks to all you contributors for your help…(not just to my question, but to all the questions).


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  • Hello,


    Not sure if this is the right area to post too. Analysis Services is a good area to look at for this kind of question.


    I have used OWC heavily in the past. It’s a great tool to get the ball rolling for OLAP reporting. But it does have its limits.


    Here are some answers to your questions


    1. NT Authentication is more that likely the reason your users can connect with out logging into OLAP Server. Have a look at the documentation in Books online (BOL) for further information. See Pivot table services. If you are using the ActiveX control the use must have the control downloaded from a UNC share. This is a property of the control. Without the control the end user cannot access the cube through the web page. Front page has the control and is easy to configure. If you have VS you can configure the control using that. Excel has the Control for accessing the cube built in. NOTE: All uses of the Office Web Components ActiveX control have to have a license copy of Office.



    1. A remote user IE from the internet cannot use OWC as it’s for intranet use only. The main reason is the location of the ActiveX control and the OLE DB connection to Pivot table services. Have a look at the SQL server resource kit, it has a Jscript view that may be helpful. The other options are to buy a viewer that users can user from the net or write something.



    1. Not sure but this more than likely not. Pivot Table services comes with Standard edition of SQL server. It should work.



    1. OWC is for intranet use only. I would look on the net for other products for internet access of OLAP cubes, have a look At Crystal Enterprise (Now Business Objects). Crystal has an SDK you could look at using. There is a .NET service for serving OLAP data from MS; you could use that with a web from or something. OWC does not Support fire wall as far as I know. 


    Hope this helps, there maybe a lot more about OWC that I have missed, and I have only done three projects with it. All them intranet based.




    Myles Matheson

    Data Warehouse  Architect

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