connecting to analysis server

  • new installation - trying to connect to analysis server on Local machine.  Get error message - 'Unable to connect to the registry on the server ([localservername]), or you are not a memeber of the OLAP Administrators group on this server'.  Have ensured that i am a member of the OLAP Administrators group.  Any ideas please?

  • Have you got at least SP1 on your Analysis Services installation?  SP3a or even SP4 would be better, SP3 inroduced several fixes.  Take a look at;en-us;Q307365 , whichagain indicates you need to service pack the install.  N.B. the service pack/s for AS are different to those for SQL, they come on the same CD but installing the SQL one does not install the AS one.  Remember also to update your client machines with the same service pack (ie if you put SP3a on the server, your client machines should run PTS or PTSLite from the same service pack CD.)



  • that worked!! thanks for your help!

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