Conflicting MDAC versions

  • I am working with a SQL Server 7 cluster being hosted at a remote location. I have just come to realize that I have MDAC 2.6 RTM installed on my Windows 2000 Machine. The SQL servers have MDAC 2.5 installed. From what I understand the servers cannot be upgraded to a higher MDAC because they are running SQL 7 and are in a cluster. I also am coming to the realization that I cannot UNinstall my version of MDAC and go back to 2.5 since I am running Win2K. Does this mean I will have to log in via Terminal Services to create things like DTS packages, linked servers ,etc? Or is there a better answer? TIA!!

  • quote:

    I also am coming to the realization that I cannot UNinstall my version of MDAC and go back to 2.5 since I am running Win2K

    Windows 2000 comes with MDAC 2.5 and you could rollback from MDAC 2.6. See KB


    Does this mean I will have to log in via Terminal Services to create things like DTS packages, linked servers ,etc?

    As client machine, you can have higher version of MDAC and be able to perform anything as before.

  • Thanks for the quick reply. The link seems to be incorrect. Microsoft site says that page is unavailable. If you have another link I would certainly appreciate it.

    One of my problems is with a DTS package I created on my machine using EM. It runs fine from the DTS designer but when I use a stored procedure with the sp_OA procedures I receive an error saying "The property 'Use Encryption for Data' is not supported. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server ". From what I have been able to gather this is because the package was created on a machine that has a higher version of MDAC than the server.


    There was a dot at end of the link.

    It seems you developed DTS package using SQL Server 2000 DTS API and try to run the package in SQL Server 7.0. Some DTS objects in SQL 2000 can not be used and not compatible with SQL Server 7.0.

    From BOL.

    "Extended DTS Objects

    Several Data Transformation Services (DTS) objects that enhance objects from Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 have been added to Microsoft SQL Server 2000. These have been named by appending a 2 to the name of the existing object. For example, the DataPumpTask2 object enhances the DataPumpTask object through the addition of the RowsComplete and RowsInError properties. In this section, DataPumpTask2 refers to both the extended and original object.

    Each extended object extends the functionality of the SQL Server 7.0 object and inherits the properties and methods of that object. However, none is compatible with SQL Server 7.0 or earlier. The SQL Server 7.0 objects still are available and should be used where interoperability with earlier versions of SQL Server is required.

    Using the Extended Objects

    When you run a DTS application that includes an extended object on SQL Server 7.0, a "type mismatch" or similar error will occur. Therefore, if you want a DTS application to run on both an instance of SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7.0, it is recommended that you do not use the extended objects.

    A potential for failure under SQL Server 7.0 exists even when the extended objects are not used. If you run a DTS application on SQL Server 2000, you can access the new properties of the extended objects through the Properties collection of the existing objects. For example, you can access the LogServerName property through the Properties collection of the Package object, even though LogServerName is new for Package2."

  • Aaaahhhh, missed the dot. Thanks for the link again.

    And I think you are absolutely correct. I logged onto the server itself and created the same package with a different name and it works perfectly. Thanks for sharing your expertise!

  • Ok, one last do I know which DTS designer I am using? I can find versions anywhere. What happened was I had installed the trial version of SQL Server 2000 and it must have replaced my tools with 2000 tools. I am running a SQL 7 only shop right now and need to get back to the 7 tools. Thanks again.

  • quote:

    As client machine, you can have higher version of MDAC and be able to perform anything as before.

    Is the above really true? If so, it would seem that gts31 would have no problem. But since he observed a problem, it implies that this may not be entirely correct. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the statement....?

    This is something I have never seen in any documentation--how to know which MDAC versions are compatible with what other versions (on which end); whether it's safe to upgrade one end without the other; etc. Can you elaborate, please, on how MDAC compatibility is designed? We ran into MDAC version problems when we upgraded from SQL 7.0 to 2000, and I'm still confused about it.

  • gts31 was not only upgrade MDAC, but also installed SQL Server 2000 client tools that is used by DTS in his machine too.

    Higher version of MDAC is supposed to be backward compatible to the low version but it is not true always. I have seen some old applications that use old MDAC do not work properly when we updraded the MDAC.

    In most situations, that client can establish a connection to and retrieve data from the SQL Server with any of the MDAC versions.

    You may post your problems here and we could help you to resolve them.

  • quote:

    You may post your problems here and we could help you to resolve them.

    I did post problems at the time they occurred (January 03), and got little or no replies. I also asked the same question I asked here, about MDAC versions, and also got no reply.

    When we upgraded from 7.0 to 2000 we had numerous problems. Some were apparently permissions problems, and some were apparently related to MDAC. The fact that multiple problems occured simultaneously was very confusing of course--the old conundrum of how is one to know whether multiple symptoms are caused by the same problem or multiple problems?

    We have mostly gotten around those problems, and despite some site searches I was not able to find any of my original posts here. One thing I do recall is that some things would not work until we installed the SQL 2000 client tools on workstations, even though those users didn't use them (they talk to SQL Server using MS Access 2000).

    Right now the question I asked was really the question I wanted to pursue: For my general understanding, I wanted to know about MDAC version compatibility, specifically: (1) Is it best to have the same version on client and server; and (2) If you must have different versions, which end should have the higher version--client or server? I didn't want to necessarily do wholesale upgrades of MDAC unless there was a good chance it would help!

    You seem to have pretty much answered question (1), but question (2) remains outstanding. Woefully, this is not addressed AT ALL on the MDAC pages on the MS web site anywhere I could find, even though I searched diligently for info.

  • quote:

    One thing I do recall is that some things would not work until we installed the SQL 2000 client tools on workstations, even though those users didn't use them (they talk to SQL Server using MS Access 2000).

    Do you run named instance of SQL Server 2000? In order to access SQL Server 2000 named instance, your client machine must have MDAC 2.6 or higher installed. When you installed SQL 2000 client tools, it also installed the MDAC 2.6.


    (2) If you must have different versions, which end should have the higher version--client or server? I didn't want to necessarily do wholesale upgrades of MDAC unless there was a good chance it would help!

    MDAC 2.6 or higher do not work properly with SQL Server 7.0/6.5 cluster. Except that, I don't see you have much options to avoid upgrade MDAC in server side. MDAC is used widely by different system components and upgrade those components will eventually upgrade the MDAC too, for example, applying SQL Server 2000 service pack 3 will upgrade MDAC to 2.7 SP1. For the MDAC upgrade on client machine, I would do it only at request by the applications that require highr MDAC version.

  • quote:

    Do you run named instance of SQL Server 2000?



    MDAC 2.6 or higher do not work properly with SQL Server 7.0/6.5 cluster. Except that, I don't see you have much options to avoid upgrade MDAC in server side.

    applying SQL Server 2000 service pack 3 will upgrade MDAC to 2.7 SP1.

    No clustering. I did neglect to mention we installed SQL 2000 SP3--on server side at least; I forgot whether we installed it on any clients.


    For the MDAC upgrade on client machine, I would do it only at request by the applications that require highr MDAC version.

    Well, that's what I would wish of any application such as MDAC--but I was rather expecting you to say it was safer to upgrade everywhere.

    When I get back to working on that problem, I might have to experiment, but at least for now I won't upgrade all the clients without reason.

    (If anyone else has a varying opinion on this, or an experience to tell, I'm all ears.)

  • While we are at it. Can anyone of you tell me how to check what version of MDAC I am running and how to roll back a version of MDAC to its previous version.

    Also is there a


  • I am sorry I posted an incomplete message up there. My second question was:

    "Is there a difference in the MDAC verions that come with windows 2000 (Professional), Windows 2000( Server ) and windows XP(Professional). As I have an application in Delphi. I using crystal reports as the reporting tool. The database is MSDE 1.0( SQL Server 7.0 - Desktop Engine). It works fine with Win XP-pro and 2000 pro. But with Win 2000 Server it doesnt work at all.

    I have posted this at a lot of forums, no one seems to have an idea of whats going on. Can any one help..!!

  • quote:

    Can anyone of you tell me how to check what version of MDAC I am running and how to roll back a version of MDAC to its previous version.

    How to rollback, see link below

    Use component checker to determine installed version information and diagnose installation issues with the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).


    "Is there a difference in the MDAC verions that come with windows 2000 (Professional), Windows 2000( Server ) and windows XP(Professional).

    Win2k comes with MDAC 2.5. Win2K SP1 comes MDAC 2.5 sp1, SP2 comes with MDAC 2.5SP2 and SP3 has MDAC 2.5SP3. XP comes with MDAC 2.7.


    But with Win 2000 Server it doesnt work at all.

    Error messages ?

  • Thanks for the reply. I will check out the link for roll back.

    I have already tried the MDAC Checker and as I click on the exe it says application already loaded. This may be a basic question but I cant seem to make it work.

    The error that I get is a crystal reports error. Its "CrystaL Reports Error 533: Unable to open Database"

    This makes me think that its something related to Data Access Components as it was a different error before : "Error 532, Unable to find DLL".

    I have tried installing MDAC 2.7 on the 2000 server but it doesnt help either. I have also installed the sp2. No use. I still get the same result.

    But it works fine with XP and 2000 (Professional).

    Thanks for your help..

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