Configuring Reportserver for First Time

  • Hi All,

    I Have a problem with configuring reporting Server on my windows 7 box with Sqlserver 2008 R2 Data base..

    Please help me if any one knows about how to configure and see the url of report server

  • have you run through the reporting services configuration wizard end to end?

  • Some more details would help...

    Under the 'Web Service URL' tab, it should give you the URL link

  • yes i tried with this option .by selecting the Url under report manager it's prompting me for user ID and Password as of now i didn't create any user

  • what browser are you using when trying to get to your SSRS web page?

  • think I remember this error.

    copy the URL

    right click brower and run as Administrator

    once open grant access to your user role

    hope this works

  • Firefox has issues with authentication and always prompts for usernames and passwords in my experience as I believe it doesnt handle the kerberos authenitcation like IE does.

    Using IE always automatically logs in for us.

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