Conditional split transformation configure

  • Hi All,

    I had text file of customer from all over the india.

    the column name is custname,custstate,custzipcode.

    But i want to integrate this data in to SQL Server Database.

    But i want differentiate all cust records according to state wise.

    But i am using conditional split in data transformation task.

    please help me how to configure this transformation.

    Thanks in Adavnce,


  • Why do you want to use the conditional split? How will this solve your issue?

    Raunak J

  • So I understand you want a different record set for every state? You can dump all the data into one table and create a procedure that pulls the data by accepting a parameter for state, or if null pulls everything. I think we need to understand you purpose better. If for reporting, SSRS can create a report that will group/summarize data by state. If you need to create a out file for every state then you can do that using bcp command in a cursor within a proc. Do a lookup of BCP.


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