concatenation of multiple rows

  • hello community,

    guys I need help on this one, Here is the scenario

    CREATE TABLE #tmpdata (

    nkey int ,msg nvarchar(2000))

    INSERT INTO #tmpdata (nkey, msg)VALUES(100,'The quick brown fox')

    INSERT INTO #tmpdata (nkey, msg)VALUES(100,'Jump over the lazy dog')

    INSERT INTO #tmpdata (nkey, msg)VALUES(200,'Another long message(A)')

    INSERT INTO #tmpdata (nkey, msg)VALUES(300,'Another long message(B)')

    SELECT * FROM #tmpdata

    CREATE TABLE #tmpdataFinalOutput (

    nkey int ,msg nvarchar(2000))

    INSERT INTO #tmpdataFinalOutput (nkey,msg) VALUES (100,'The quick brown fox|Jump over the lazy dog')

    INSERT INTO #tmpdataFinalOutput (nkey,msg) VALUES (200,'Another long message(A)')

    INSERT INTO #tmpdataFinalOutput (nkey,msg) VALUES (300,'Another long message(B)')

    SELECT * FROM #tmpdataFinalOutput

    you will notice that on the final output, the msg data was concatenated using | and the only record that was concatenated are having the same nkey value. Is this possible to achieve? Please help.

    Thanks in advance


  • guys i think i did it,

    SELECT nkey,

    (SELECT msg + '|'

    FROM #tmpdata r2

    WHERE r2.nkey = r1.nkey

    ORDER BY msg

    FOR XML PATH('')) AS fmsg

    FROM #tmpdata r1

    GROUP BY nkey

    but my problem is that at the end of the string , the delimiter | was included.

    Please do suggest a workaround on removing this.

    thanks in advance


  • Teemo (11/3/2011)

    guys i think i did it,

    SELECT nkey,

    (SELECT msg + '|'

    FROM #tmpdata r2

    WHERE r2.nkey = r1.nkey

    ORDER BY msg

    FOR XML PATH('')) AS fmsg

    FROM #tmpdata r1

    GROUP BY nkey

    but my problem is that at the end of the string , the delimiter | was included.

    Please do suggest a workaround on removing this.

    thanks in advance


    SELECT nkey


    SELECT '|' + msg

    FROM #tmpdata r2

    WHERE r2.nkey = r1.nkey

    ORDER BY msg

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 1, '') AS fmsg

    FROM #tmpdata r1

    GROUP BY nkey

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  • great, thanks for the answer, this will be my first time using this method ( STUFF)

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