Concatenate Fields, But Evenly Space

  • I know how to concatenate two fields, but having issues spacing the two fields evening.

    If you look at the attachment, you see that Current Results are displaying the year all jagged. I've been playing around with SPACE, but not getting it right.

    Below the current results, you'll see what I'm trying to achieve. For the sake of trying to explain what I'm looking for, I just inputted the months and years manually in excel. But the point is, trying to get both fields into one, but lined up evenly like in the attachment.

    Thanks for the help.

  • declare @S varchar(20);

    set @S = 'October 2013';

    select REPLACE(@s,' ', SPACE(20 - LEN(@s)))


    October 2013

  • Where are you trying to see the names aligned? Remember that it will depend on your font type.

    A similar approach to Bill's, would be:

    SELECT LEFT( MonthName + SPACE(20), 20) + CAST( year AS CHAR(4))

    FROM DWESTRELLAS..dimperiodos

    As I have MS Sans Serif for grid results, it doesn't show aligned, but if I copy and paste on the text editor which has Courier New it shows aligned.

    Luis C.
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  • I'm using this for a parameter drop down list for a report I'm creating. Instead of having the user select a Month and then a Year in two parameters, I wanted to have the month and year in one field, but in a neat list, not all jagged like I have it now.

  • The query Luis or Bill posted will work, but as Luis also pointed out, it will depends on the font face. If you're putting this into a standard dropdown, you're going to need to select a fixed-width font if you want them to line up neatly. If you select a true type font, you're not going to get them to line up consistently. Each character needs to occupy the same horizontal space.

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