Computed column

  • Nice but easy one.


  • RichardDouglas (11/9/2010)

    I thought the title gave it away

    I don't normally pay much attention to the titles, since they sometimes are designed to be misleading. But yeah, that would have given it away too.

  • Hugo Kornelis (11/9/2010)

    john.arnott (11/8/2010)

    Hmmm. When I run this code to build the table, "Select 1 from #test" returns two rows, each with a "1". It's an implied join, isn't it? . . . .

    Nope, no join at all. . . . .

    Thanks, Hugo. That's certainly clear and I did misuse the term "join". But my main intent in posting was to ask Sanjay (or anyone who could explain) why he got a 1 for his result set where I (and presumably you) would get multiple rows returned, each with the constant 1.

    He posted that after the two inserts,

    ...when you execute

    select 1 from #test

    you get result as 1

    Perhaps he meant to say "you get results as multiple rows of 1".

  • I interpreted Sanjay's post to refer to the double meaning of 1 - either an ordinal column position when used in ORDER BY, or an integer value when used somewhere else.

    But maybe Sanjay will return and add some clarification?

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Thanks for the question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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