complex programing HELP-Stored Procedure insert value after value like this into #temp_table

  • Based on jeff's use of a table for the pattern...

    -- need a list of employee ids with a basedate set to when they start with shift_code=1, unit=1

    -- this is a minimal tale to show the format

    -- extra columns could be added with other info (e.g. name)

    create table empbase (

    empid int,

    basedate datetime


    -- fill with test data

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (12345,'2007/1/1')

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (88877,'2007/1/5')

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (98765,'2007/1/20')

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (99994,'2007/6/5')


    create function shifts (

    @mth tinyint,

    @yr smallint




    table (

    empid int,

    date datetime,

    shift_code int,

    unit int)


    -- generate daily shift pattern 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,... changing units 1,2,3,4,... every 30 days.


    declare @d1 datetime

    declare @d31 datetime

    set @d1=convert(datetime,convert(char(8),@yr*10000+@mth*100+1))

    set @d31=dateadd(dd,-1,dateadd(mm,1,@d1))

    ;with n01 (i) as (select 0 as 'i' union all select 1)

    ,seq (n) as (


    d1.i+(2*d2.i)+(4*d3.i)+(8*d4.i)+(16*d5.i) as 'n'


    n01 as d1

    cross join

    n01 as d2

    cross join

    n01 as d3

    cross join

    n01 as d4

    cross join

    n01 as d5)

    ,dates (dt) as (


    dateadd(dd,n,@d1) as 'dt'




    dateadd(dd,n,@d1) <= @d31)

    ,modval (mod,val) as (

    select 0,1 union all

    select 1,1 union all

    select 2,2 union all

    select 3,2 union all

    select 4,3 union all

    select 5,3 union all

    select 6,4 union all

    select 7,5)

    insert @table_var




    (select val from modval where mod=(datediff(dd,b.basedate,d.dt) % 8)),

    ((convert(int,(datediff(dd,b.basedate,d.dt) / 30)) % 4) + 1)


    empbase b, dates d


    b.basedate <= d.dt




    -- test for various months

    select * from shifts(1,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(2,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(3,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(4,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(5,2007) order by empid,date

    I make no claims about efficiency...


  • :D:DWOW WOW WOW :hehe:

    it work i love you men



    but there is a problem for me i need the unit also

    id date(id) UNIT(date) UNIT

    1234501/01/2007 00:00:00 17/01/2007 00:00:00 1

    8887701/05/2007 00:00:00 23/01/2007 00:00:00 3

    9999406/05/2007 00:00:00 31/01/2007 00:00:00 4


    CAN YOU ADD THE UNIT also because the employee can change location (unit 1 2 3 4) for example in the 17 of the month??

    TNX TNX TNX X (10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

  • need help with this function !

    first prolem

    this line


    (convert(int,(datediff(dd,b.unit_date,d.dt) / 30)) % 4) + 1)


    i don't get in unit value the correct division the "/30"

    how to handling in month 28 days, 29 days, 30 days ,31 days ???

    i only need to change the unit value evry first day of the month !!!

    like checking the value of the previous Month and change it from "1" to "2" and next month "3" ....... 4 >> 1 >> 2...

    the employee move location evry first of the month

    second problem

    how to add value date for field "unit"

    i need to separate the common date in the field "unit" and field "empid"

    need to add another field date for the unit

    so i can fill the table like this

    insert empbase (empid,basedate,unit_date) values (12345,'2007/1/1','2007/3/1')

    like this i can

    1) set date for "basedate" start DATE

    2)set date for "unit_date" start DATE(once a month in the first day=1)

    so how to fix this function and to add date for "unit_date" reference

    like this i can add to the employee a shift forom date ="basedate"

    and a UNIT from "unit_date" (once a month in the first day=1)

    the "unit_date" is the start date for add to the employee the UNIT value (1-4)


    -- need a list of employee ids with a basedate set to when they start with shift_code=1, unit=1

    -- this is a minimal tale to show the format

    -- extra columns could be added with other info (e.g. name)

    create table empbase (

    empid int,

    basedate datetime


    -- fill with test data

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (12345,'2007/1/1')

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (88877,'2007/1/5')

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (98765,'2007/1/20')

    insert empbase (empid,basedate) values (99994,'2007/6/5')



    create function shifts (

    @mth tinyint,

    @yr smallint




    table (

    empid int,

    date datetime,

    shift_code int,

    unit int)


    -- generate daily shift pattern 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,... changing units 1,2,3,4,... every 30 days.


    declare @d1 datetime

    declare @d31 datetime

    set @d1=convert(datetime,convert(char(8),@yr*10000+@mth*100+1))

    set @d31=dateadd(dd,-1,dateadd(mm,1,@d1))

    ;with n01 (i) as (select 0 as 'i' union all select 1)

    ,seq (n) as (


    d1.i+(2*d2.i)+(4*d3.i)+(8*d4.i)+(16*d5.i) as 'n'


    n01 as d1

    cross join

    n01 as d2

    cross join

    n01 as d3

    cross join

    n01 as d4

    cross join

    n01 as d5)

    ,dates (dt) as (


    dateadd(dd,n,@d1) as 'dt'




    dateadd(dd,n,@d1) <= @d31)

    ,modval (mod,val) as (

    select 0,1 union all

    select 1,1 union all

    select 2,2 union all

    select 3,2 union all

    select 4,3 union all

    select 5,3 union all

    select 6,4 union all

    select 7,5)

    insert @table_var




    (select val from modval where mod=(datediff(dd,b.basedate,d.dt) % 8)),

    ((convert(int,(datediff(dd,b.basedate,d.dt) / 30)) % 4) + 1)


    empbase b, dates d


    b.basedate <= d.dt




    -- test for various months

    select * from shifts(1,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(2,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(3,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(4,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(5,2007) order by empid,date

    select * from shifts(12,2007) order by empid,date

  • this function working ok whan spliting the employee shift value (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5) .

    but for the "UNIT" value for

    the employee i need that value "UNIT" the value(1,2,3,4)

    change evry first day in the month the "1" and only in the first day in the month !!

    need to add another field date for the unit

    so whan i need to change the "UNIT" value for the employee in the first day in the month

    this function take the value date from the the new date call "UNIT_DATE"

    like this thre no connection between "UNIT_DATE" and "basedate"

    field "basedate" for the shift value (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5)

    field "Unit_date" for the UNIT value (1,2,3,4)

    need help to do it


  • Please post what you've tried and, if I have time, I'll see where you are going wrong if I have time. Like most people here, I don't get paid for writing code for other people!


  • Derek Dongray (12/10/2007)

    Please post what you've tried and, if I have time, I'll see where you are going wrong if I have time. Like most people here, I don't get paid for writing code for other people!

    Derek Dongray i am apologize this not what i mean

    i only ask for help

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