Comparing Two Geospatial Series with Python

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Comparing Two Geospatial Series with Python

  • Dear Sir,

    I have two survey data sets in two sheets of excel to align the survey data Geospatially using python code .they are large data sets.


    I hv done the exercise on excel using haversine formula n index match but unable to do the same using help.


    Thanks and regards

    Amritesh Pandey

  • Hi Amritesh,

    Thank you very much for your question. My apologies for the delay in response.

    Yes, unfortunately, there is no straight forward way to compare and align two data sets using geospatial code in Python. What I have explained in this article is converting the 2 datasets into Python series and to see if there is a match between the lat long co-ordinates of both the Python series and print out the matched co-ordinates index/position. The 2 series are then looped where the points in the outer series loop over all the points in the inner series loop to determine the match. May be you can also try this method of converting your data sets into Python series and then apply the relevant geospatial technique you want to test.

    Cheers and Best Luck.

    Prashant Tyagi


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