comparing multiple rows from multiple columns

  • Hi

    In the Data Warehouse we have recently installed i am trying to reproduce reports produced using SQL that were previously done manuallty in excel.

    (See Code Below)

    from the following table i need someway of identifying the following.

    Only patients that have a discharge and a follwing admission on the same day.

    This can be ID'd by the patient_no and subsiquent adm_no. eg: 45678 - 1, 45678 - 2 and 45678 - 3 Also the previous discharge date for the previous admission must match the new admission date.

    So from the following table i would expect to see results for patients 45678 (admisison 2 & 3) and 54321 (admission 6)

    i have many similar queries like this to set up so any help would greatly appreciated

    CODE BELOW............

    drop table PS_TestForOnline

    CREATE TABLE PS_TestForOnline


    patient_no varchar (10),

    adm_no VARCHAR(5),

    admission_date date ,

    discharge_date date,


    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('12345','1','01/02/2011','08/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('45678','1','04/02/2011','04/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('45678','2','04/02/2011','04/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('45678','3','04/02/2011','06/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('54321','5','10/02/2011','10/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('54321','6','10/02/2011','11/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('12345','2','03/02/2011','05/02/2011' );

    INSERT INTO PS_TestForOnline

    VALUES('12345','3','07/02/2011','10/02/2011' );

    select * from PS_TestForOnline

  • select * from PS_TestForOnline

    WHERE admission_date = discharge_date

  • Thanks for your reply,

    this only gives me the the adm_no's where admission_date and discharge date are the same.

    For Example: i need to look at previous admissions for each patient and compare discharge date from their previous stay in hospital with their admission date from subsiquent admission.

    Patient 54321 has 2 admissions. admission 5 was discharged on the same day he was admitted for admission 6. 2011-10-02.


  • In your example, your timedate stamp is consistent. I'm guessing that this is not going to be the case with your live data. Is the issue then just needing to match dates between the 2 columns or am I missing something? If it's just a matter of matching the dates, then though crude - this might not be a bad way to go...

    select cast(convert(varchar, admission_date, 101) as smalldatetime) AS admission_date, cast(convert(varchar, discharge_date, 101) as smalldatetime) AS discharge_date

    from PS_TestForOnline

    WHERE admission_date = discharge_date

  • Hi

    I think we are talking cross purposes here and its probably down to my explaination skills (or lack of)

    This is a request for a hospital and i have to identify patients that were discharged and then came back on the same day.

    Each Patient has a ID number (patient_no) and a number to show their admission. These start at 1 and continue untill you RIP.

    If we look at patient 45678 in my table, they were unfortunatly admitted 3 times on the same day "2011-04-02" and in their last admission (3) they stayed in hosp for 4 days.

    I need to select each of their admissions where their discharge date from one admission (in this case adm_no 1 and 2) = the admission date of the next admission (in this case adm_no 3 and 4).

    sorry if i have not made sense.


  • OK - so it's not matching admission and discharge dates, but matching admission dates (where the discharge date happened, and then another admission happened on the same date).

    My bad - let me rearrange the code.

  • OK - give this a try, and let me know if it gets you closer to your desired result (I have it on my end, and it looks pretty sound). What it will do is get all the dates that are a match, and guarantee that your admissions records go all the way back to the very first one issued for a given patient.

    SELECT patient_no, adm_no, cast(convert(VARCHAR(18), admission_date, 101) AS SMALLDATETIME) AS admission_date, cast(convert(VARCHAR(18), discharge_date, 101) AS SMALLDATETIME) AS discharge_date

    FROM PS_TestForOnline

    WHERE discharge_date = admission_date

    AND adm_no > 0

    ORDER BY patient_no

    Let me know if this gets you your desired result.

  • i've had a look on line and from what i can gather this is going to have to be a self join as one row is looking at another and returning values from that row.

    you select highlights the problem rows but i need to see the info from the previous admission.


  • That's probably not a bad way to go (may even produce a better execution plan).

    Just FYI - I was able to get the result you were looking for, and I cleaned it up a bit more by doing just a straight CONVERT without the CAST.

    SELECT patient_no, adm_no, convert(NVARCHAR(18), admission_date, 101) AS admission_date, convert(NVARCHAR(18), discharge_date, 101) AS discharge_date

    FROM PS_TestForOnline

    WHERE discharge_date = admission_date

    AND adm_no > 0

    ORDER BY patient_no

  • Rich, I'm pretty sure you'll definately need to self-join this for the final requirements.

    You're looking for something similar to the following. Note, I'm not sure if you want to see the multiple entries for patient 45678 like the following will display below:



    PrevVisit.adm_no AS AdminNo1,

    NextVisit.adm_no AS AdmitNo2,

    PrevVisit.Discharge_date AS DateOfRevisit


    #PS_TestForOnline AS PrevVisit


    #PS_TestForOnline AS NextVisit

    ONPrevVisit.Patient_no = NextVisit.Patient_no

    AND PrevVisit.Discharge_date = NextVisit.Admission_Date


    PrevVisit.adm_no <> NextVisit.adm_no

    If you're not, modify the join condition so it looks like this (note the additional item in the ON clause):



    PrevVisit.adm_no AS AdminNo1,

    NextVisit.adm_no AS AdmitNo2,

    PrevVisit.Discharge_date AS DateOfRevisit


    #PS_TestForOnline AS PrevVisit


    #PS_TestForOnline AS NextVisit

    ONPrevVisit.Patient_no = NextVisit.Patient_no

    AND PrevVisit.Discharge_date = NextVisit.Admission_Date

    AND PrevVisit.Adm_no = NextVisit.Adm_no - 1


    PrevVisit.adm_no <> NextVisit.adm_no

    - Craig Farrell

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  • Ah - I see. He's also needing the same date for another admission, even though the discharge is then a different date, but still part of that group of admissions/discharges (this is where I wasn't fully grasping his business rule). I was only getting the matched dates.

    My bad, and my apologies p.stevens.

    Thank you Craig!





  • p.stevens76 (3/10/2011)




    My pleasure, glad it worked... and thanks for the feedback. 🙂

    - Craig Farrell

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