comparing ip addresses in sql

  • Coming to think of it. Why don't you just "pad out" with zero's each component of the both ipv6 addresses, to "normalise" them and then do a string compare of the entire resulting addresses? That should work, as hexadecimal digits are all still in the correct order. My example routine should be easily adapted to return a padded/normalised version of an ipv6 address. And the same process can be used for IPV4. Not that we need it there, but they would be using the same method then.

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • My suggestion would be to use varbinary(16). Convert the formatted strings (either in IP4 or IP6 format) into varbinary and go from there. IP6 addresses are 128 bits in hexadecimal-with-colon-separator format, so it should be fairly easy to determine which conversion to use. Once they're in varbinary, you can use the same range comparison code for either.

  • let me try this..thanks for reply

  • sqlnew (8/21/2011)


    For example: Exec IPTest 5,'' should Give Positive result(say 1) as it falls in the range for LocationID 5.


    From your example I can see that you ever want to compare one single value against one selected range.

    For this task, you could get away with the following:

    -- this function will format any 4 or 6 parts ip address to

    create function dbo.NormilizeIpAddress (@ipaddress varchar(25))

    returns varchar(25)

    with schemabinding



    set @ipaddress = '.' + @ipaddress + '.' +

    case when parsename(@ipaddress,1) is null then '' else '000.000.' end

    while LEN(@ipaddress) < 25


    set @ipaddress = ISNULL(STUFF(@ipaddress,PATINDEX('%[.]_[.]%',@ipaddress),1,'.00'),@ipaddress)

    set @ipaddress = ISNULL(STUFF(@ipaddress,PATINDEX('%[.]__[.]%',@ipaddress),1,'.0'),@ipaddress)


    return substring(left(@ipaddress,len(@ipaddress)-1),2,50)



    create procedure dbo.IPTest (@locId int, @ipaddress varchar(25))



    declare @ret int = 0

    -- you can just compare strings as they are all formatted to the same mask.

    select @ret = CASE WHEN dbo.NormilizeIpAddress(@ipaddress)

    BETWEEN dbo.NormilizeIpAddress(Low) AND dbo.NormilizeIpAddress(Hig) THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    from dbo.MySampleTable

    where LocId = @locId

    select @ret

    return @ret


    Also it's possible to "normalize" ip address in set-based operation using recursive CTE:

    declare @ipaddress varchar(25) = ''

    --declare @ipaddress varchar(25) = ''

    ;with nip as


    select cast('.' + @ipaddress + '.' +

    case when parsename(@ipaddress,1) is null then '' else '000.000.' end as varchar(25)) as adr

    union all

    select cast(ISNULL(STUFF(ISNULL(STUFF(adr,PATINDEX('%[.]__[.]%',adr),1,'.0'),adr)


    ,1,'.00'),ISNULL(STUFF(adr,PATINDEX('%[.]__[.]%',adr),1,'.0'),adr)) as varchar(25))

    from nip


    select top 1 adr

    from (select top 6 substring(left(adr,len(adr)-1),2,50) adr from nip ) a

    where len(adr) = 23

    option (maxrecursion 6)

    You can create table valued function with the above code and it most likely will outperform the first scalar version when "cross applying" it against recordset of values.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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  • Comparing IPv4 addresses using text comparisons only can be done by normalizing them as follows:

    declare @ipv4 table (

    ip varchar(15)


    insert @ipv4 (ip)

    select ''

    union all select ''

    union all select '';

    with cte0 as ( select 1 as n union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1),

    cte1 as (select 1 as n from cte0 c1, cte0 c2),

    cte2 as (select 1 as n from cte1 c1, cte1 c2),

    cteTally as (select row_number() over (order by (select 1)) as n from cte2)

    select x.dig1 + '.' + x.dig2 + '.' + x.dig3 + '.' + x.dig4

    from @ipv4 i

    cross apply (

    select '.' + i.ip + '.' as ip

    ) input

    cross apply (

    select max(case src.ix when 1 then right(replicate('0', 3) + src.value, 3) else '' end) as dig1

    ,max(case src.ix when 2 then right(replicate('0', 3) + src.value, 3) else '' end) as dig2

    ,max(case src.ix when 3 then right(replicate('0', 3) + src.value, 3) else '' end) as dig3

    ,max(case src.ix when 4 then right(replicate('0', 3) + src.value, 3) else '' end) as dig4

    from (

    select row_number() over (order by t.n) as ix,

    substring(input.ip, t.n + 1, -1 + charindex('.', input.ip, t.n + 1) - t.n) as value

    from cteTally t

    where t.n < len(input.ip)

    and substring(input.ip, t.n, 1) = '.'

    ) src

    ) x;

    This code can easily be put into a function or better yet, in a view. It performs at its best on large sets of numbers. (actually, the estimated execution plan is funny: declaring the table and inserting the 3 ip values takes up 71% of the costs of the entire batch, i.e. the conversion itself is lots cheaper than creating the small table).

    And for IPv6 address strings similar code can be used to normalize them. However it should be noted that in IPv6 addresses any :0000's can be left off. So this code sets any missing numbers to 0000 itself:

    declare @ipv6 table (

    ip varchar(39)


    insert @ipv6 (ip)

    select 'fe80::2168:9828:4bd8:5e2d'

    union all select '2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:0000:0000:0000:0000';

    with cte0 as ( select 1 as n union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1),

    cte1 as (select 1 as n from cte0 c1, cte0 c2),

    cte2 as (select 1 as n from cte1 c1, cte1 c2),

    cteTally as (select row_number() over (order by (select 1)) as n from cte2)

    select x.dig1 + ':' + x.dig2 + ':' + x.dig3 + ':' + x.dig4 + ':' + x.dig5 + ':' + x.dig6 + ':' + x.dig7 + ':' + x.dig8

    from @ipv6 i

    cross apply (

    select ':' + i.ip + ':' as ip

    ) input

    cross apply (

    select right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 1 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig1

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 2 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig2

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 3 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig3

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 4 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig4

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 5 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig5

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 6 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig6

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 7 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig7

    ,right(replicate('0', 4) + isnull( max(case src.ix when 8 then src.value else '' end), ''), 4) as dig8

    from (

    select row_number() over (order by t.n) as ix,

    upper(substring(input.ip, t.n + 1, -1 + charindex(':', input.ip, t.n + 1) - t.n)) as value

    from cteTally t

    where t.n < len(input.ip)

    and substring(input.ip, t.n, 1) = ':'

    ) src

    ) x;

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Is there some reason you need to do comparisons as strings of characters? Serious question. SQL Server will quite happily compare binary values. If you convert to binary, you don't have to worry about "normalising" each section of an IP address.

  • No there isn't any reason not to convert the addresses into binary(16) instead of varchar(39). It is just far more complicated to create a correct binary string using T-SQL. f.e. getting the ordering of the bytes right can be rather complicated. A string version can be easily verified to be correct. But you're wrong on not having to normalize: when creating a binary version, you'll still have to provide zero's for any missing parts, or the comparisons between 2 IP numbers will give incorrect results. 'fe80::2168:9828:4bd8:5e2d', 'fe80:0000:2168:9828:4bd8:5e2d' and 'fe80:0000:2168:9828:4bd8:5e2d:0000:0000' are all the same address.

    Of course you're welcome to provide an example on how to create the binary version. Always willing to learn.

    Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Hidden RBAR - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Cross Tabs and Pivots - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Catch-all queries - Gail Shaw[/url]

    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Thank you all for the response....

  • Bruce W Cassidy (8/22/2011)

    My suggestion would be to use varbinary(16). Convert the formatted strings (either in IP4 or IP6 format) into varbinary and go from there. IP6 addresses are 128 bits in hexadecimal-with-colon-separator format, so it should be fairly easy to determine which conversion to use. Once they're in varbinary, you can use the same range comparison code for either.

    Have you got some code we could see for such a conversion, Bruce?

    --Jeff Moden

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  • That function for NormalizeIpAddress should have an outer IF block!

    IF LEN(@ipaddress) - LEN(REPLACE(@ipaddress, '.', '')) >= 3



    ...else you would be hanging your SQL server from a tree. legs up (infinity loop 🙂

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