Comparing Databases

  • I've been working on the development_DB. I now want to work on the test_DB. I don't want my code to break. I need all of the changes I've made to the development_DB to be made on the test_DB. How can I find out what the differences are?

  • Sql server does not have anything out of the box.

    You'll need a third party application like Sql Compare, I belive from Embarcadero (Forgive spelling)

    Seems like you have a code management issue, to make your life easier, and to not have to go thru a big soap opera every release your going to need to build a process where you can maintain a list or something of all code and data changes you have had to make for each release. For sql there is no set tried and true way.

  • Tools:

    Sql Compare -> Redgate

    SQL Diff --> Apex SQL (look at the add)

    DB Ghost --> Look at the Adds on the site

    ChangeManager --> Embarcadero Technologies



    Finally there is an script that works well but is hard to cope with the formated results.


    The first thing you really need regardless of the tool is a change Control PROCESS implemented so that your changes are managed and you can always rollback to previous versions. Look in this sites for change management articles there are very good pointers!





    * Noel

  • 100% agree with Noeld.

    How we do it.

    All code is developed in DEV.

    Code checked in to Harvest (Like SourceSafe but ....)

    When all code is ready to "promote" to TEST we develop install BAT files using OSQL to install SPs, ALTER TABLE, etc...

    The Install BAT files are also checked in to Harvest and then everything is "promoted"

    As part of the promotion the code is exported (including BAT files) to a read-only directory on a deploy server.

    The BAT file is run and code loaded.

    We use SQL Compare (Red Gate) to ensure that there is nothing that was missed.  Unfortunately, this doesn't work for DATA compare.  That is still done the old-fashioned way of "eyeballing it"

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • I have wrote my own stored procedures for various reasons and the development staff here has used them.  They are very rude and crude (not a graphical display) but they do work.  The staff requested the ability to compare the text of stored procedures and functions, compare table structures and also compare data between tables.  If you are interested, I'll forward the scripts to you.

    Good luck.

    R Mantel



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