combine results of 2 stored procedures

  • I have searched without success for a sample of combining the results of 2 stored procedures.  Basically I would like to write a stored procedure that accepts a number of parameters and passes those parameters along to two different stored procedures and returns a recordset that is the union of the results of the 2 stored procedures.  Any ideas on the best way to do this?




  • Create a table variable or temporary table and store the result for each store procedure. Then when done, UNION them together.

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  • do you know where I could find a sample of doing that?

  • Here's an example...

    create proc test1 as

    select 1, 2


    create proc test2 as

    select 3, 4


    create proc test3 as

    create table #t (i int, j int)

    insert #t exec test1

    insert #t exec test2

    select * from #t


    exec test3

    drop proc test1

    drop proc test2

    drop proc test3


    i           j          

    ----------- -----------

    1           2

    3           4


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • I forgot the parameter passing bit, so, in case it wasn't obvious...

    create proc test1 @v varchar(20) as

    select 1, 2, @v + ' world'


    create proc test2 @v varchar(20) as

    select 3, 4, @v + ' again'


    create proc test3 @v varchar(20) as

    create table #t (i int, j int, v varchar(20))

    insert #t exec test1 @v

    insert #t exec test2 @v

    select * from #t


    exec test3 'hello'

    drop proc test1

    drop proc test2

    drop proc test3


    i           j           v                   

    ----------- ----------- --------------------

    1           2           hello world

    3           4           hello again


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • thanks

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