Column Names changes as each time the report is run

  • This report is based on the week

    the code that i have so far will generate starting from Wk4 but overlaps ....

    I would like to see based on the script & result is :

    The Group 1 : IstDate Shiped is 4 ...

    So it Start the week on 4 --- wk4....wk11, wk1, wk2, wk3..wk11

    with the values basde on the DateRec and Cases for the Week of DateRec

    Then Group 2: IstDate Shiped is 6 So it Start the week on 6 --- wk7....wk11, wk1, wk2, wk3..wk11 (no value should appear in the wk4 - Wk5 .. it should look like a rainfall pattern)

    Then Group 3: IstDate Shiped is 10

    So it Start the week on 10 --- wk10....wk11, wk1, wk2, wk3..wk11


    Creating a table



    [dbo].[OrdersShipped] (

    [Group] [char] (10) NULL ,

    [OrderId] [int] NULL ,

    [OrderDesc] [char] (10) NULL ,

    [DateRec] [datetime] NULL ,

    [IstDate Shiped] [datetime] NULL ,

    [Cases] [int] NULL


    inserting values to the table


    INSERT INTO OrdersShipped

    ([Group], OrderId, OrderDesc, DateRec, [IstDate Shiped], Cases)

    select '1','123','aaaa','2006-01-01',' 2008-01-25','150'

    union all select '1','123','aaaa','2007-01-26','2008-01-25','200'

    union all select '1','123','aaaa','2007-02-01','2008-01-25','235'

    union all select '1','224','qqqq','2007-02-08','2008-01-25','200'

    union all select '1','224','qqqq','2007-02-15','2008-01-25','195'

    union all select '2','333','www','2007-02-01','2008-02-08','200'

    union all select '2','333','www','2007-02-15','2008-02-08','898'

    union all select '3','999','oooo','2007-02-01','2008-03-05','750'

    union all select '3','888','mmm','2007-01-26','2008-03-05','5842'

    union all select '3','999','oooo','2007-03-12','2008-03-05','685'

    Function to create weeks


    CREATE FUNCTION ISOweek (@DATE datetime )

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @ISOweek int

    --set @DATE = (SELECT dt FROM vCurrentDateTime)

    SET @ISOweek= DATEPART(wk,@DATE)+1-DATEPART(wk,CAST(DATEPART(yy,@DATE) as CHAR(4))+'0104')

    --Special cases: Jan 1-3 may belong to the previous year

    IF (@ISOweek=0)

    SET @ISOweek=dbo.ISOweek(CAST(DATEPART(yy,@DATE)-1 AS CHAR(4))+'12'+ CAST(24+DATEPART(DAY,@DATE) AS CHAR(2)))+1

    --Special case: Dec 29-31 may belong to the next year

    IF ((DATEPART(mm,@DATE)=12) AND ((DATEPART(dd,@DATE)-DATEPART(dw,@DATE))>= 28))

    SET @ISOweek=1



    Calculating the weeks for DateRec & [IstDate Shiped]


    Select [Group],




    dbo.ISOweek([DateRec]) as WeekID,

    [IstDate Shiped],

    dbo.ISOweek([IstDate Shiped]) as WeekID,


    from OrdersShipped

    The script I have so far to produce the week Report


    DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @Shipped_Week_ID int, @Min_Week_ID int, @Max_Week_ID int, @counter int, @wk int, @Min_DateRec datetime

    SELECT @Shipped_Week_ID = Min(dbo.ISOweek([IstDate Shiped]))

    FROM OrdersShipped1

    SELECT @Min_Week_ID = MIN(dbo.ISOweek(DateRec))

    FROM OrdersShipped1

    SELECT @Max_Week_ID = MAX(dbo.ISOweek(DateRec))

    FROM OrdersShipped1

    SELECT @Min_DateRec = MIN(DateRec)

    FROM OrdersShipped1

    SET @counter = @Min_Week_ID

    SELECT @sql =





    DATEPART(wk, DATEADD(week, ROUND(52.1775 * - 1, 0), [IstDate Shiped])) AS Shipped_Week_ID,


    WHILE @counter <= @Max_Week_ID


    SELECT @wk = CASE WHEN ((@counter + @shipped_week_id -1) % (@Max_Week_ID)) = 0 THEN @Max_Week_ID

    ELSE ((@counter + @shipped_week_id -1) % (@Max_Week_ID)) END

    SELECT @sql = @sql +

    'Sum(CASE WHEN DATEPART(wk, DATEADD(week, ROUND(52.1775 * - 1, 0), DateRec)) = ' + CONVERT(varchar, @wk) + ' THEN Cases ELSE 0 END) AS [Wk' + CONVERT(varchar, @wk) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(week, 5, @Min_DateRec) + (@wk - @Min_Week_ID), 5), 101) + ']


    SET @counter = @counter +1


    SELECT @sql = STUFF(@sql, LEN(@sql), 1, '')

    SELECT @sql = @sql + ' FROM OrdersShipped1

    group by [Group],


    OrderDesc, [IstDate Shiped]'

    EXEC (@sql)

    Open in New Window

  • Unless I am missing something about the logical organization of the data, it seems to me that the problem stems from the inability to distinguish which eleven-week group each Wk# resides within.

  • The Excel Sheet will give u an idea as how to place the out put...

    The Shipped_Week_ID for Group 1 is 4

    the Week of DateRec checks the Shipped_Week_ID for that group , if Week of DateRec >= Shipped_Week_ID then show the cases for that date - WK4

    So the Data is from Wk4 - Wk11 is shown if there is a corresponding the cases for the DateRec and then the remaining weeks = Wk1 - Wk3 is displayed...

    Same in the same of Group 2 which is 6

    Here is the trick

    There should be no data in WK4 when group 2 starts ,it should only start from Wk6 if there is cases for that week.

    In Group 2 starting from Wk6 ... WK11 then wk1 - WK5

    and so on...

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