Collation Issue with Restore on different SERVER

  • Hi Gents,

    I have just restored a database from another Server but after restoring realised that the restored Database is using different Collation than what we have on all our other Databases. Would be great if someone can share experience how we can tackle this issue in the long run.

    Thanks much


  • Shazme

    It's not always a problem if the database collation doesn't match that of the server. You usually get issues if your code creates temp tables and joins to those. If you do find it's a problem there's a script out there somewhere that will change the collation throughout your database. It's complicated because you have to drop some indexes, constraints and so on before you can do the changes - and them recreate them all afterwards in the correct order. Search for the script and see whether it works for you. Better still, restore on a server that has the same collation!


  • Hi John,

    Thanks for your reply. Will look for the script but regard you advice "Better still, restore on a server that has the same collation!"

    It's a DB which is restored from an operational System and in terabytes of data. In case I have not explained myself we have 6 other existing DB's with one collation and those will join to this new DB which is in different collation. This new DB contains TB's of data- changing through script might be an option but again don't want to change /break datasets while doing this.

    Thanks much


  • If you are querying it from other databases with a different collation or vise versa you may need to specify a collation in the join or predicates to resolve any conflicts


    select Column1

    from table_1 t1

    join table_2 t2

    on t1.column collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = t2.column

  • Just to be explicit- we will be getting a backup copy every now and again so want this to be done on DB Level. Totally understand we can do in query but that's what we are trying to avoid

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