COALESCE, I need help understanding it.

  • Hello,

    When I use COALESCE to concatenate a string over many periods, it gave me the string backwards.

    Here is my sample:

    -- drop table #test,#test_desc

    set nocount on

    create table #test (ID int, letter char(1), period int )

    insert into #test (ID, letter,period) select '01','A', 120

    insert into #test (ID, letter,period) select '01','B', 121

    insert into #test (ID, letter,period) select '01','C', 122

    --using the table #test as is, gives me the results backwards --"CBA"

    --It does the same when I select * from #test order by period ascending

    DECLARE @string varchar(360)

    set @string = ' '

    SELECT @string = COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') + @string from #test

    SELECT @string --This gives me "CBA"

    ---I have to create a descending order by period to get my desired results

    select * into #test_desc from #test order by period desc

    set @string = ' '

    SELECT @string = COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') + @string from #test_desc

    SELECT @string --This gives me "ABC" which is my desired output

    Does COALESCE work backwards in this case, or am I missing the point.:w00t:

    Thanks in advance,


  • The problem isn't the COALESCE, you are adding each subsequent letter to the beginning of the string:

    SELECT @string = COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') + @string from #test

    To add to the end of the string, it should be:

    SELECT @string = @string + COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') from #test

  • Micheal

    I guess COALESCE works backward , as i test too .

    Good finding , i usaully overlook this point before while using COALESCE function.


  • However, without a Clustered Index or an "Order BY", these rows could still come back in any order.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Thank you very much Steven. I've been staring at this for the past few hours and to get a very quick answer on a Friday afternoon just made my day. Problem solve! thanks again:)

  • Change the related part as below.

    DECLARE @string varchar(360)

    set @string = ' '

    --SELECT @string = COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') + @string from #test

    SELECT @string = @string + COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') from #test

    SELECT @string --This gives you " A B C "

  • DECLARE @string varchar(360)

    set @string = ''

    SELECT @string = @string + letter + ' ' from #test

    SELECT @string

  • Deee -Daah! (8/1/2008)


    When I use COALESCE to concatenate a string over many periods, it gave me the string backwards.

    --using the table #test as is, gives me the results backwards --"CBA"

    --It does the same when I select * from #test order by period ascending

    DECLARE @string varchar(360)

    set @string = ' '

    SELECT @string = COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') + @string from #test

    SELECT @string --This gives me "CBA"

    ---I have to create a descending order by period to get my desired results

    select * into #test_desc from #test order by period desc

    set @string = ' '

    SELECT @string = COALESCE(letter + ' ', '') + @string from #test_desc

    SELECT @string --This gives me "ABC" which is my desired output

    Does COALESCE work backwards in this case, or am I missing the point.:w00t:

    Thanks in advance,


    Michael, this is not a problem with COALESCE. What you are running into is the problem with building a string this way, and that is that the results can be return in whatever order SQL decides. When you put the ORDER BY on it, you are ordering by the same value - which allows SQL Server to return the rows in any order as long is it is ordered by orderid.

    There are better methods for doing this - if you search this site for the article by Jeff Moden using the Tally table, I think that has several examples that will be very useful for you.

    Jeffrey Williams
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