Cloud Safety

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/12/2012)

    IceDread (1/12/2012)

    The the agreement is subject to change is cause for great worry since leaving a cloud is no simple matter.

    Is it? Leaving SQL Azure is a backup from the cloud and a restore on your local instance. Can't speak for the app side, but that's all in how you architect it.

    Security is still an issue, the Swedish military will not even send request for offer to companies using cloud services.

    That's only an issue for people seeking that business. The US government uses cloud services, Amazon has government cloud services available.

    It's an issue, but point that out rather than saying security is an issue in general. It's not a general issue, not more than it is in your company.

    Thus, the price model really is a joke to me.

    Me, too. I am hoping something will change.

    The application code is completely different. It requires a different way to program. I've however not read any studies about how much work it is to actually port an existing system but the architectural issues are not small. However, I might be overestimating the issues but you have to start to program different parts for different roles and have them interact with each others and write so that more roles can be added, like a db role, worker role, web role. To start write programs like that however might be the future, it would increase scalability for sure thou I do not know of many companies that needs such scalability.

    Nasdaq would be one company but they need too much network speed and control and already have their modules they roll out on different computers when they need more processing power.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/12/2012)

    IceDread (1/12/2012)

    The the agreement is subject to change is cause for great worry since leaving a cloud is no simple matter.

    Is it? Leaving SQL Azure is a backup from the cloud and a restore on your local instance. Can't speak for the app side, but that's all in how you architect it.

    Security is still an issue, the Swedish military will not even send request for offer to companies using cloud services.

    That's only an issue for people seeking that business. The US government uses cloud services, Amazon has government cloud services available.

    It's an issue, but point that out rather than saying security is an issue in general. It's not a general issue, not more than it is in your company.

    Thus, the price model really is a joke to me.

    Me, too. I am hoping something will change.

    Amazon had a few sites that just got hacked.

  • Lots of companies have had sites hacked. Hotmail has been hacked numerous times, does that mean that MS can't handle security?

    Tons of company sites have been hacked and they never disclose it. Having been at companies that were hacked, sometimes they don't even know why or patch things. They just restore and go on their way.

    A cloud company has the opportunity to do a better job here, precisely because they see lots of clients, and they have contracts to do so. Whether they do or not is another story, and it's one that you need to find out if you move to the cloud.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/16/2012)

    Lots of companies have had sites hacked. Hotmail has been hacked numerous times, does that mean that MS can't handle security?

    Tons of company sites have been hacked and they never disclose it. Having been at companies that were hacked, sometimes they don't even know why or patch things. They just restore and go on their way.

    A cloud company has the opportunity to do a better job here, precisely because they see lots of clients, and they have contracts to do so. Whether they do or not is another story, and it's one that you need to find out if you move to the cloud.

    MS are improving, but they need to continue that job and they are.

    They sure do have the opportunity, I just do not believe they take it like so many other companies. I pointed out amazons recent failure of providing security because they are a cloud providing company.

    Security must be handled on many levels and I believe the lack of knowledge here is wide in most companies employees, developers and others, as well as I often see it neglected by companies since it's a cost and they have many other things prioritized in the pipe.

    Until I see otherwise, I do not believe cloud companies does any better than any other company selling visualized environments nor better than any other larger company handling it all themselves.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/16/2012)

    Lots of companies have had sites hacked. Hotmail has been hacked numerous times, does that mean that MS can't handle security?

    Tons of company sites have been hacked and they never disclose it. Having been at companies that were hacked, sometimes they don't even know why or patch things. They just restore and go on their way.

    A cloud company has the opportunity to do a better job here, precisely because they see lots of clients, and they have contracts to do so. Whether they do or not is another story, and it's one that you need to find out if you move to the cloud.

    In words of one of my past clients, "So far as I know, we never had an undetected intrusion."

  • Revenant (1/17/2012)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/16/2012)

    Lots of companies have had sites hacked. Hotmail has been hacked numerous times, does that mean that MS can't handle security?

    Tons of company sites have been hacked and they never disclose it. Having been at companies that were hacked, sometimes they don't even know why or patch things. They just restore and go on their way.

    A cloud company has the opportunity to do a better job here, precisely because they see lots of clients, and they have contracts to do so. Whether they do or not is another story, and it's one that you need to find out if you move to the cloud.

    In words of one of my past clients, "So far as I know, we never had an undetected intrusion."

    This instantly reminds of this now-famous quote:

    There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.

    We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.

    But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know.

    That last one kills me everytime 🙂

    James Stover, McDBA

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