Closest to date within 3 days

  • I think I'm close but not close enough...and preferably, I'd like to use something different than an outer apply unless this can be optimized. This is the bottleneck of my larger query. Would love to see any other suggestions (left joins, cte's)? Appreciate your help.

    Need the closest #value 'Proc_Val_date' to each row in the #pat table (before and within 3 days of the 'ProcDate'


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#pat','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #pat

    create table #Pat

    (PatID varchar(10)

    ,ProcNm varchar(10)

    ,ProcDate date


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#value','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #value

    create table #value

    (PatID varchar(10)

    ,ProcVal int

    ,ProcValDate date)

    Insert into #Pat


    (15,'TTK', '2020-08-05')

    ,(15, 'TTK','2020-08-04')

    ,(15, 'TTR', '2020-07-28')

    ,(10,'RRS', '2020-09-06')

    ,(10, 'RTS','2020-10-04')

    ,(10, 'RTS', '2020-11-28')

    Insert into #value


    (15, 25, '2020-08-03')

    ,(15, 24, '2020-08-02')

    ,(15, 35, '2020-07-27')

    ,(15, 34, '2020-07-24')

    ,(15, 33, '2020-08-01')

    ,(10, 32, '2020-07-05')

    ,(10, 34, '2020-09-05')

    ,(10, 14, '2020-09-04')

    ,(10, 23, '2020-11-25')

    ,(10, 45, '2020-12-04')







    from #Pat p

    outer apply (select top 1 val.ProcVal, val.ProcValDate

    from #value val

    where val.PatID = p.PatID and val.ProcValDate<p.ProcDate

    and DATEDIFF(dd,p.ProcDate, val.ProcValDate)<=3

    order by val.ProcValDate desc

    ) val

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • I think OUTER APPLY is the way to go.

    Here is another way to write it, also using OUTER APPLY:

    SELECT p.PatID, 
    FROM #Pat p
    FROM #value val
    WHERE val.PatID = p.PatID
    AND val.ProcValDate < p.ProcDate
    AND DATEDIFF(dd, p.ProcDate, val.ProcValDate) <= 3) val
    WHERE rn=1 OR rn IS NULL;

    The only other way I can think of getting the results is by using a cursor, which I wouldn't recommend and would almost certainly be much slower.

    I would look at adding indexes to make your the query faster.

  • I too don't think OUTER APPLY is the main problem.  But I would strongly urge you to get rid of the function against the table column you are searching on, because it's always a bad idea to use functions on the column being searched on (in the WHERE; btw, also applies to columns in a JOIN clause).

    You'll need an index on #val ( PatID, ProcValDate ); if the actual code uses a temp table, make it the clustered index.

    outer apply (select top (1) val.ProcVal, val.ProcValDate

    from #value val

    where val.PatID = p.PatID

    and val.ProcValDate between dateadd(day, -3, p.ProcDate) and dateadd(day, -1, p.ProcDate)

    order by val.ProcValDate desc

    ) val

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • I assume you're using OUTER APPLY because the val.* results can sometimes be NULL. But if there is always a match in val, switching to CROSS APPLY is likely to give a performance boost.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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