Charts rendering ove rsized

  • I built my first Report Builder 3.0 report that has multiple charts on it and a few data tables. It renders nicely locally but when on the report server the tables come through great but the charts look bloated or over sized and fuzzy. It looks as if they are zoomed in somehow and cutting off the edges as well as oversizing the fonts. Anyone run into this? I'm guessing I've got something funky going on that I just can't seem to find. Thanks!

  • Scott Douglas (9/14/2010)

    I built my first Report Builder 3.0 report that has multiple charts on it and a few data tables. It renders nicely locally but when on the report server the tables come through great but the charts look bloated or over sized and fuzzy. It looks as if they are zoomed in somehow and cutting off the edges as well as oversizing the fonts. Anyone run into this? I'm guessing I've got something funky going on that I just can't seem to find. Thanks!

    MULTIPLE charts and a FEW tables on your first try? Good for you.

    I use Visual Studio, but I would suggest you check your report's properties for paper size, margins, etc. and set them if they are not set, and then make sure your charts are within the margins.

    Can't say that this has ever happened to me, but. it's all I can think of. I really don't know how Builder reacts to out of margin situations.

  • Thanks! I gave it a shot but couldn't figure it out so I just rebuilt them. I'm sure I did something with a property that I just can't figure out. Guess it's part of the learning curve!

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