Changing Recovery mode from simple to Full

  • Hi,

      I am planning to change the database recovery mode to full from Simple and start scheduling the log backups. I am planning to do this in the day time. I am guessing that there will not be any effect to the users at that time while changing the database to full.

    Can anyone just let me know your thoughts on this? I just want to know if there are any effects doing this in day time.




  • I would do it before users get on the system.  After you switch to full recovery mode, do a full backup and then start your transaction log process to start log chain.

    Also, if you haven't already, be sure to read BOL for more information.

  • Yes i would take a full backup and then start the Tlog backup process soon after i switch the database to full. can you please let me know if it locks the database when switching the recovery mode.

  • You shouldn't see any real hit on your server during the change.

  • You can change the recovery mode anytime you want or you need.  In this case after you change the recovery mode to full make sure you get a full backup the database then schedule you tlog backups how often you need.

    Good day,


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