Changes To Replication

  • We have a fairly straight forward replictaion set up, live DB replicates to another DB for reporting. We now want to roll out lots and lots of changes from development to live. I cant drop/alter tables as they are are all included in the replication.

    What I would like to know is what is the best way to approach this? What advice can anyone give me on doing this.?


  • If you can afford some down time on the reporting server then the easiest way may be just to disable publishing on your publisher (dropping replication), make your schema changes, then re-create replication.

    Or, rewrite your ALTER TABLE scripts so that they use the replication commands that replicate schema changes. You won't be able to drop/recreate tables, just alter.

    Or, pause replication, apply schema changes to publisher and subscriber, update your articles to include the new columns and unpause replication.

  • If you have a lot of changes it's easiest to drop the articles from the pub, or just drop the entire publication. Add and drop column can be done without doing this in SQL2K, but column changes require removing the article. Various ways to try to shortcut this, seldom worthwhile if the time to do a new snapshot is not prohibitive.


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