Changed SQL Services Acct - "Cannot Generate SSPI Context"

  • The user account used for SQL Services has to have local admin privileges and the Log on as a Service right.


  • I usually have to use:

    setspn -A MSSQLSvc/Servername.Domain.TopLevelInternalDomain:PortUsually1433 Domain\ADServiceAccount

  • I have tried all these fixes an none worked....any other suggestions?

    changed service account

    drop server name/re-added.

    Any other suggestions. In our environment this happened out of the blue....a user called and could not connect, i am able to connect with SQL authentication.

  • MMartin1 (3/20/2013)

    The user account used for SQL Services has to have local admin privileges

    Not true - the user account used for SQL Services does not (and should not, in any high security installation) have local admin rights, much less domain admin rights.

    The user account does need permissions to a variety of directories for SQL Server files (sometimes it's easier to use

    icacls * /reset /t

    to reset security on entire subdirectory trees).

    There are some Group Policy permissions that are required or recommended; the set I use includes some for proxy users:


    Computer Configuration

    Windows Settings

    Security Settings

    Local Policies

    User Rights Assignments

    Act as part of the operating system

    Adjust memory quotas for a process

    Bypass traverse checking -- proxy user use, I think

    Lock pages in memory -- a subject of some debate

    Log on as a service

    Perform volume maintenance tasks -- required for instant file initialization

    Replace a process level token -- proxy user use, I think

  • Giving the Service account 'domain admin' privileges for a brief time allowed the SPN error to correct itself or register properly.

    Thank you

  • TryingToLearn (7/10/2014)

    Giving the Service account 'domain admin' privileges for a brief time allowed the SPN error to correct itself or register properly.

    Thank you

    Exactly what you shouldnt do.

    Either grant the new account the AD permissions



    or have an AD admin manually create the required SPN


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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