Change tracking when does run sys.sp_flush_commit_table

  • Hi

    As the subject line says, what's the trigger for the sys.sp_flush_commit_table stored procedure running in change tracking? We have a test system where the sys.syscommittab table has entries older than the retention period and the sys.sp_flush_commit_table hasn't run for over 24 hours. I presumed it ran every 30 minutes with the autoclean process but this doesn't seem to be the case. It's running on Sql 2008 SP4



  • The clean up is suppose to based on retention period and a bug was addressed with this on 2008 SP4 so you should be good there. Did you check the job and make sure there aren't any errors and make sure it's enabled?
    I've seen some people still hit the issue, not sure what the underlying issue is. Some people have used the undocumented sp_flush_commit_table_on_demand but you can run into problems using that - you need to disable auto clean up if you try that. Others have reported that they disabled and then enabled change tracking again to work around it. That usually seems to work and it is the supported method but you do lose your history.
    You've probably seen this but if not, here is the article that explains the clean up job and retention:
    Cleanup Job


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