"Case When Then" Issue When Concatenate After Calculation

  • Hi,

    I have a data that is stored in MB. I was trying to convert from MB to GB if the data is over 1024 then add MB or GB depending on the data size, but I get: "Error converting data type varchar to float." on the sql code below.

    How can I concatenate this after conversion.

    'DataSize' =

    CASE WHEN DataSize >= '1024.00'

    THEN (DataSize/1024.00) +'GB'

    ELSE DataSize +'MB'


  • Try this:

    'DataSize' =

    CASE WHEN CAST(DataSize AS int) >= 1024

    THEN CAST((CAST(DataSize AS int)/1024) as varchar(10)) +'GB'

    ELSE DataSize +'MB'


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks but I'm still the same error message. I think the issue is +'GB or +'MB'; when I remove this it runs fine.

  • Take a look at the article linked in my signature and find out what information is needed to get a quick answer on the forums.

    Can you please post table definition script and some sample data?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • If your column is of type int you can try this:

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (

    DataSize int


    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (1025)

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (2568)

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (12)


    'DataSize' =

    CASE WHEN DataSize >= 1024

    THEN CAST(DataSize /1024 as varchar(10)) +'GB'

    ELSE CAST(DataSize as varchar(10))+'MB'


    FROM @test-2

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • If your column is varchar try this:

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (

    DataSize varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (1025)

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (2568)

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (12)


    'DataSize' =

    CASE WHEN CAST(DataSize AS int) >= 1024

    THEN CAST((CAST(DataSize AS int)/1024) as varchar(10)) +'GB'

    ELSE DataSize + 'MB'


    FROM @test-2

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thank you... that worked. The decimal number is 4 digit after the calculation; What is the easiest way to change it to 2 digit?

  • CAST the result to decimal(nn, 2).

    For example, something like this:


    'DataSize' =

    CASE WHEN DataSize >= 1024

    THEN CAST(CAST(DataSize /1024 AS decimal(9, 2)) as varchar(10)) +'GB'

    ELSE CAST(CAST(DataSize AS decimal(9, 2)) as varchar(10))+'MB'


    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • Great! Thank you both for your help

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