Case Statement problems

  • Hi All.

    Can some one help me construct appropriate T-SQL for the following problem (SQLServer 2000).

    I have a contacts table with a contactDesc, DueDate and DoneDate I want to retrieve the description and an appropriate computer color for all rows.

    The formula I need to use is: -

    If DoneDate is null and todays date is >= DueDate color 1.

    If DoneDate is null and todays date is within 7 days of DueDate color 2.

    If DoneDate is null and todays date is within 8 - 14 days of DueDate color 3.

    If DoneDate is null and todays date is more than 14 days away from DueDate color 4.

    If DoneDate has a value then colour = 5.

    I suspect I need a nested case but cannot get it quite right. Thanks in advance.


  • Select case

    when DoneDate is null and GetDate() > DueDate then 1

    when DoneDate is null and DateDiff(d, DueDate, GetDate()) 14 then 4

    when Not DoneDate is null then 5

    else 99 --in case we forgot a combinaison

    end as Color

    from dbo.contacts

    This is what you asked for, however I think that the case statement will more often than not fall under the first if the duedate has passed, so I would change the first when to this:

    when DoneDate is null and DateDiff(d, DueDate, GetDate()) = 1 then 1 (late by only 1 day)... but this is my interpretation of your requirements

  • Thanks, thats perfect. I also took your advice at the botom of the message.

    Thanks again.


  • I guess the below query will be useful for your problem

    select contactdesc,


    when (donedate is null and getdate()>=duedate) then 1

    when donedate is not null then 5

    when (donedate is null and datediff(d,getdate(),duedate) <=7 ) then 2

    when (donedate is null and datediff(d,getdate(),duedate) >14 ) then 4

    when (donedate is null and  datediff(d,getdate(),duedate)  between 8 and 14 ) then 3



    end  'ColourValue'

    from dbo.contacts




    Suresh Ramakrishnan

    Kindest Regards,

    Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan

  • Another way would be this and I only suggest it from a readability standpoint.

    Also like Suresh I reversed the GetDate() and DUeDate in datediff from Remi's example.

    The reason is you will get a -7 instead of positive 7 when date is 7 days away and instead of 14 you will get -14 which means you get the wrong output value.

    It is a simple mistake but I think you will want to correct that eitherway before you put in place.



     ELSE -- No need to check DoneDate has to be null in this case.


       WHEN GetDate() >= DueDate THEN 1

       WHEN DateDiff(d, GetDate(), DueDate) <= 7 THEN 2

       WHEN DateDiff(d, GetDate(), DueDate) between 8 and 14 THEN 3

       WHEN DateDiff(d, GetDate(), DueDate) > 14 THEN 4



  • Thanx for the correction Antares.

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