CASE Statement

  • I need to generate a adhoc report. I need to query a time range(calltime) that is stored as char(5). Querying on only a one hour window works, but i need to select a two hour range..  THEN '14%' or '15%'

    BUT i need a two hour time window not just the one hour like i have working.
    Any suggestion?
    Thank you

  • Chop the last three digits off of calltime so that you're left with just the hour portion, which you can convert to an integer and do proper arithmetic on.  Please will you post a CREATE TABLE statement for CALLS, and some sample data in the form of INSERT statements?


        [calldate] [DATETIME] NOT NULL,
        [calltime] [CHAR](5) NOT NULL,
        [duration] [CHAR](8) NOT NULL,
        [duration_in_decimal] [DECIMAL](18, 7) NULL,
        [ext] [CHAR](5) NOT NULL,
        [trunk] [CHAR](5) NOT NULL,
        [calltype] [CHAR](3) NULL,
        [io] [CHAR](1) NOT NULL,
        [areacode] [CHAR](3) NULL,
        [phonenum] [CHAR](11) NULL,
        [dept] [CHAR](20) NOT NULL,
        [fname] [CHAR](15) NOT NULL,
        [lname] [CHAR](20) NOT NULL,
        [empnum] [NUMERIC](18, 0) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Sample data

    dept                    ext        lname          fname          calls_total
    NJSITRECC        4266     Rocco         Nicholas       15
    IRVITRECC        2861     Freeze         Laura          13
    TAMITRECC        2518     Streeter        Michael      10
    NJSITRECC        4238     Peters         Jill              10
    TAMITRECC        2517     Jean          Jonathan       9

  • sample data in the form of INSERT statements

    ... and if you don't even include in your sample data the columns that are in your query, we really aren't going to be able to help!


  • Sorry...

    INSERT [dbo].[CALLS] (calldate, calltime ,duration, duration_in_decimal, ext, trunk, calltype, io, areacode, phonenum, dept, fname, lname, empnum)
        VALUES ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '9:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '3301', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'NJSITRECC', 'Brian', 'Merin', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '10:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0001', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'TAMITRECC', 'Fname1', 'Lname1', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '11:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0002', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'ATLITRECC', 'Fname2', 'Lname2', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '12:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0003', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'SLVITRECC', 'Fname3', 'Lname3', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '13:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0004', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'PHIITRECC', 'Fname4', 'Lname4', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '14:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0005', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'PCCITRECC', 'Fname5', 'Lname5', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '10:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0005', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'PCCITRECC', 'Fname6', 'Lname6', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '15:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0006', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'CHIITRECC', 'Fname7', 'Lname7', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '16:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0007', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'MINITRECC', 'Fname8', 'Lname8', 23),
         ('2017-10-31 00:00:00.000', '9:01','00:04:10', '0.0692000', '0008', '', 'TLD', 'O', '609', '6097601900', 'IRVITRECC', 'Fname9', 'Lname9', 23)

  • I don't have DDL or sample data for your dept table, so I can't test, but something like this:
    WITH TimesasInt AS (
        ,    ext
        ,    lname
        ,    fname
        ,    calldate
        ,    CAST(LEFT('0'+calltime) AS tinyint) As TimeinHours
        ,    dept
        ,    time_zone
        ,    io
        ,    lname
        ,    fname
        ,    calls_total
        FROM CALLS
    SELECT dept, ext, lname, fname, COUNT(calldate) AS calls_total
    FROM TimesasInt
    WHERE TimeinHours +
            WHEN dept IN (
                SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'est'
            ) THEN 1
            WHEN dept IN (
                SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'cst')
            ) THEN 0
        END IN (14,15)
    AND io = 'O'
    AND dept LIKE '%IT%'
    AND calldate > '2017-10-19'
    AND calldate < '2017-10-21'
    GROUP BY dept , ext, lname, fname
    ORDER BY calls_total DESC, dept DESC

    I think there might be performance improvements to be had in the way you join to dept, as well.


  • Thanks, but that didn't work as planned. I WAS ABLE to copy all data into another table and create a 'time' datatype. Now my issue changing the case statement to use : THEN between '09:01:00.0000000 ' and '11:01:00.0000000 '

    SELECT dept, ext, lname, fname, COUNT(calldate) AS calls_total
    WHERE (calltime LIKE                          
    WHEN dept IN
    (SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'est') 
    THEN '14%'
    WHEN dept IN 
    (SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'cst') 
    THEN '13%'

  • If you are using SQL Server 2012, why aren't you using the TIME data type that has been available since SQL Server 2008?

  • Lynn Pettis - Wednesday, November 1, 2017 1:38 PM

    If you are using SQL Server 2012, why aren't you using the TIME data type that has been available since SQL Server 2008?

    It's probably the fault of the phone system that produces the CDR (Call Detail Record) data.  A lot of those had been written as early as SQL Server 7 and they've never updated the datatypes.  The tables are probably from that phone system rather than anything the OP designed.  Of course, only the OP knows for sure so I'll shut up now and let the OP answer the question. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  • TryingToLearn - Wednesday, November 1, 2017 1:32 PM

    Thanks, but that didn't work as planned. I WAS ABLE to copy all data into another table and create a 'time' datatype. Now my issue changing the case statement to use : THEN between '09:01:00.0000000 ' and '11:01:00.0000000 '

    SELECT dept, ext, lname, fname, COUNT(calldate) AS calls_total
    WHERE (calltime LIKE                          
    WHEN dept IN
    (SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'est') 
    THEN '14%'
    WHEN dept IN 
    (SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'cst') 
    THEN '13%'

    Where do 9:01 and 11:01 come from?!  And how does the code you just posted differ from your original code?  Don't forget we can't see your screen and we can't know your requirement if you don't explain it properly..  Please post DDL and sample data for the dept table, and the results you expect based on your sample data.


  • Those are time values stored in the time column, I've change that column to be type = time, I 'thought' now my problem was interrogating time differences in a case statement.

    SELECT dept, ext, lname, fname, COUNT(calldate) AS calls_total
    WHERE (calltime BETWEEN
            CASE WHEN dept IN
          (SELECT dept FROM  dept
          WHERE time_zone = 'est')
                     THEN '09:02:00.0000000' AND '11:02:00.0000000'
                 WHEN dept IN
          (SELECT dept
          FROM  dept
          WHERE time_zone = 'cst')
                     THEN '07:02:00.0000000' AND '09:02:00.0000000'
                     AND (io = 'O')
                     AND (dept LIKE '%IT%') --RECC') OR (dept LIKE '%ITSALC')
                     AND (calldate > '2017-10-19')
                     -- AND (calldate < '2017-10-21')
    GROUP BY dept , ext, lname, fname
    ORDER BY calls_total DESC, dept DESC

  • ...
    WHERE calltime BETWEEN
            WHEN dept IN (
                SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'est'
                ) THEN '09:02:00.0000000'
            WHEN dept IN (
                SELECT dept    FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'cst'
                ) THEN '07:02:00.0000000'
            WHEN dept IN (
                SELECT dept FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'est'
                ) THEN '11:02:00.0000000'
            WHEN dept IN (
                SELECT dept    FROM dept WHERE time_zone = 'cst'
                ) THEN '09:02:00.0000000'

    Like I said, post the details of the dept table for a tested solution that's more likely to have better performance.


  • Thank you so very much...Exactly what i needed...

  • TryingToLearn - Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:22 AM

    Thank you so very much...Exactly what i needed...

    Here's an alternative, it's unlikely to be any faster but it may be easier for others to follow the code:
     dept, ext, lname, fname, COUNT(calldate) AS calls_total
     SELECT TOP(1) -- TOP may not be necessary
      StartTime = CASE WHEN d.time_zone = 'est' THEN '09:02:00.0000000' ELSE '07:02:00.0000000' END,
      EndTime   = CASE WHEN d.time_zone = 'est' THEN '11:02:00.0000000' ELSE '09:02:00.0000000' END
     FROM dept d
     WHERE d.dept = c.dept
     ) x
    WHERE c.calltime BETWEEN StartTime AND EndTime
     AND (io = 'O')
     AND (dept LIKE '%IT%')
     AND (calldate > '2017-10-19')
    GROUP BY dept , ext, lname, fname
    ORDER BY calls_total DESC, dept DESC
    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

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