capturing timeout queries

  • Hello!

    I am trying to run profiler to capture the queries that time out. But how do I specify the events? Using 'SP:completed' ,'SQL:batch completed', 'SQL:stmt completed' wont do it because the timeout queries are not considered 'completed', right?

    Thanks in advance for any insight!


  • Just guessing here, but I think if you had query governor enabled, you could take the value used for query governor and filter the events you listed on the 'duration' column >= that value (I think you have to convert the value first to microseconds, as query governor setting is in seconds).

    Again, just a guess


    Reading more on this, it looks like query governor cost limit applies to estimated time a query will take. I'm not sure that it kills an already executing query...

    "Got no time for the jibba jabba!"
    -B.A. Baracus

  • This blog entry from Ken Henderson might help answer that question.

    To summarize, one of the indicators is the Attention event under Errors and Warning.

  • Interesting and helpful... bookmarked.

    "Got no time for the jibba jabba!"
    -B.A. Baracus

  • Thank you!!

  • So I ran the profiler to capture 'attention' event, I saw a lot of it happening. The 'application name' is 'SQL Server', the Database is 'Master', so I figured out they are remote query calls, I found most of them are like this

    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS(N'"myDB"."dbo"."myTable"',"Index11") WITH HISTOGRAM_STEPS

    I ran index defrag job last night thinking its index/statistics related. I am still seeing a lot of these. May I know how to fix it and also, why is it using 'Master' database?


  • I think that's normal with distributed queries to see DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS commands.

    Might be that the timeouts are due to a less than optimal query plan caused by inaccurate statistics.

    Have you tried manually updating the statistics on those tables?


    When were the statistics for a table last updated?

  • Thanks. That makes sense. My initial thought was these statistics commands that cause the timeout. I guess maybe not.

    I ran 'EXEC sp_updatestats' on the database. I am going to run profiler to capture the remote queries coming Monday.

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