Capturing return code from sp

  • I have a stored procedure that has no parameters.  I need to run this using vbscript using ADO.  I'm having trouble coming up with the syntax to capture the return code from the stored procedure.  Here is a snippet of some of my code.  I just need the commands to retrieve the return code from the stored procedure, after it executes.  Can anyone provide example code?

     lo_Cmd.ActiveConnection = lo_Conn

     lo_Cmd.CommandText = "proc_test_return_code"

     lo_Cmd.CommandType = 4

     lo_Cmd.CommandTimeout = 7200

     ' Run the stored procedure.

     lo_Cmd.Execute ()

  • Here's the code I use in vb for such a situation

    Private Function exec_AutoExecPinTableNumbers(Optional ByRef ReturnValue As Integer) As Integer

    On Error GoTo Gestion

    Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

    Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

    MyCmd.CommandText = "dbo.AutoExecPinTableNumbers"

    MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Dim MyParam As ADODB.Parameter

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Direction = adParamReturnValue

    MyParam.Name = "@Return"

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam


    MyCmd.ActiveConnection = MyCn

    MyCmd.Execute exec_AutoExecPinTableNumbers


    ReturnValue = CInt(MyCmd.Parameters("@Return").Value)

    Set MyParam = Nothing

    Set MyCmd = Nothing

    Exit Function


    ErrHandler ModuleName, Me.Name, "exec_AutoExecPinTableNumbers", Err

    MsgBox Err.Description & " : " & Err.Number

    End Function

    Just post back if you have questions.

  • Does anyone have an example that is vbscript, not pure vb?  All the examples I find are vb, and nothing I'm trying is working.

  • Can you post what you have... will be faster to correct that than to find a vbs version.

  • I believe that if you make a few modifications to Remi's code like this:

    Dim MyCmd 

    Set MyCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    And do the same thing for each Dim/Set referencing the ADODB objects.


    Good Luck


  • Actually, he'l have to remove all the As DataType, use createobject instead of set and change the enumeration constants to their actual values. It's not hard to do, it's just long.

  • I finally threw in the towel, and added an output parameter with the return code, because I already have code that works to get a value from an output parameter.

    One thing that drives me nuts about Microsoft is that things that should be easy, like running a stored procedure from vb, vbscript, MS Access, etc... is made absurdly complicated.  Really, this is such a commonly needed thing, that they should make it so you need at most, 3 lines of code to run a stored procedure.  I used PowerBuilder many years ago, and they made all of the commonly required database tasks super easy.  Microsoft seems to try to make things as labor-intensive as possible.  Ok, enough ranting for now...


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