Capturing results from a set of stored procedures

  • Hello,

    TSQL puzzle which I cannot solve, maybe someone here can offer up an idea or two.


    - a set of stored procedures whose names reside in a mapping table (ie sp1, sp2, ...., spN)

    - another script runs 1 or more of them (ie exec(sp1) or exec(sp1).....exec(spN) )

    - if there are side effects I want to suppress them temporarily, yet capture the results, if any, then later take action(s) based on the stored results


    - the number of columns the stored procedures produce is variant, so creating a temp table(s) and using an insert exec is not going to work. Also the order in which they run can be variant. (ie user could say: exec(sp3), exec(sp5), exec(sp1) or exec(sp5), exec(sp4))

    - using OPENROWSET and then EXEC is working for a small number of iterations but is 'blowing up' after the number of iterations exceeds 40 or so.

    Illustrated Example: (works for say 24 iterations but craps for 48)

    100 stored procs

    50 of them have results of 1 or more rows

    50 of them have results of 0 rows

    SET @sql = SELECT A.* INTO _DataTable FROM OPENROWSET( yadaYada ..@dbName, @spName, etc) A


    SELECT * FROM _DataTable

    DROP TABLE _DataTable


    - TRAN levels are fine no nesting going on

    - no LOCKS or BLOCKS in SMS


    - is there something OPENROWSET is doing that is killing me?

    Thanks, in advance, for even reading all this mumbo jumbo.

  • How about normalizing results?

    Write out a record per column/value pair from the SP?

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