Capturing Errors and RPC_Completed with Extended Events

  • Hey all,

    I'm fairly new to extended events and I'm hoping there is a simple answer to my question.

    Here is the problem:

    I have an existing EE setup that captures all failing queries (see code below). The problem is that I also want to somehow capture RPC_starting so that I can see which parameters are passed in whenever a query fails. Is there a way to somehow capture those two events (error_reported & rpc_starting), but only capture rpc_starting when there is actually an error reported?

    Or maybe just an event on rpc_starting and somehow filter to only capture when there is an error?

    Any help is appreciated.

    Existing error_reported EE code:

    CREATE EVENT SESSION [what_queries_are_failing] ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.error_reported (

    ACTION(sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.session_id,

    package0.collect_system_time, sqlserver.transaction_id, sqlserver.username, sqlserver.client_hostname)

    WHERE (


    [severity] > (10)

    AND [package0].[counter] <= (1000)



    ) ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_file_target (

    SET filename = 'D:\RDBMS\DBA_SCRIPTS\what_queries_are_failing.xel'

    ,metadatafile = 'D:\RDBMS\DBA_SCRIPTS\what_queries_are_failing.xem'

    ,max_file_size = 5

    ,max_rollover_files = 5


    WITH (

    MAX_MEMORY = 4096 KB








    ALTER EVENT SESSION [what_queries_are_failing] ON SERVER STATE = START

    Edit: Changed rpc_completed to rpc_starting

    Twitter: @SQL_JGood

  • RPC_Completed will only fire if there are no errors

    Do you not need to put RPC_started?


  • You are correct. It should be RPC_Starting.

    Twitter: @SQL_JGood

  • This probably isn't ideal, but I think it could work. You could either add a second EE session or a second target to your existing EE session using the Pair Matching target. Then you'd have a starting event that doesn't have a corresponding completed event in the pair matching target whenever you have an error. Here's a blog post[/url] about using the Pair Matching target

  • Thanks Jack. I might give that a try and let you know if it works.

    Twitter: @SQL_JGood

  • and did it work? I have been trying to get it to work without success. (pair matching)

  • Unfortunately, I never gave the pair matching idea a try. Luckily, the developers found the parameters causing the failures in the application log so the EE wasn't needed anymore.

    Twitter: @SQL_JGood

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