Cannot open ssis packages and view them in Integration Services

  • i am able to get in the sql server Integration services from SSMS, after insalling sp3 just on Integration services,

    and then ran the commands from the Method 1 in as i was getting an error message.

    but now i am getting a different error message when i am opening the folders(Running packages and Stored Packages), i can see this folders from Network computers, But unable to see from the local server.

    Library not registered.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))

    still unable to resolve this issue.

    Can any one help please


  • I had the same problem. Just reboot and rerun the sp3 install before opening any programs.

  • David,

    Thanks but my problem solved, i uninstalled sql server 2005 and installed it this time, but this time installed the sp1 and sp2 in order, so good with sp2 now,


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