Cannot access a temporary table?

  • Hi,

    I am using ADO/Visual C++ to access SQL Server database. I find it is OK to create only one temp table in the database. But if I create two temp tables and open recordset of one table, and access the other table, then I will get “The object xxx is invalid” error. Below is my code:

    #include "stdafx.h"

    #include "TestTempTable.h"

    #ifdef _DEBUG

    #define new DEBUG_NEW


    #import "msado15.dll" no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")

    // The one and only application object

    CWinApp theApp;

    using namespace std;

    int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])



    try {

    _ConnectionPtr cn("ADODB.Connection");

    _RecordsetPtr rs("ADODB.Recordset");

    CString strSQLQuery;

    ULONGLONG uIndex, uCount;

    _variant_t vtFirstName;

    cn->Provider = "sqloledb";

    cn->Open("Data Source='(local)';Integrated Security=SSPI;", "", "", adConnectUnspecified);

    // Create a test database

    strSQLQuery = _T("CREATE DATABASE MyTestDB6;");

    cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0);

    // Use the test database

    strSQLQuery = _T("USE MyTestDB6;");

    cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0);

    // Create a temp test table

    strSQLQuery = _T("CREATE TABLE #TempTable1(Field1 bigint, Field2 int, Field3 smallint, Field4 tinyint, Field5 bigint, Field6 int, Field7 smallint, Field8 tinyint, Field9 float, Field10 datetime, Field11 nvarchar(20), Field12 nvarchar(40));");

    if (cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0))


    // Initialize the total test count to 5

    uCount = 5;

    // Add multiple records by invoking Execute for multiple times

    strSQLQuery = _T("INSERT INTO #TempTable1 VALUES(10000, 1000, 100, 10, 20000, 2000, 200, 20, 99.98, 1920/05/20, 'Hello', 'Hello, World!');");

    for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < uCount; uIndex ++)

    cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0);

    // Create temp test table 2

    strSQLQuery = _T("CREATE TABLE #TempTable2(Field1 bigint, Field2 int, Field3 smallint, Field4 tinyint, Field5 bigint, Field6 int, Field7 smallint, Field8 tinyint, Field9 float, Field10 datetime, Field11 nvarchar(20), Field12 nvarchar(40));");

    if (cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0))


    // Initialize the total test count to 5

    uCount = 5;

    // Add multiple records by invoking Execute for multiple times

    strSQLQuery = _T("INSERT INTO #TempTable2 VALUES(10000, 1000, 100, 10, 20000, 2000, 200, 20, 99.98, 1920/05/20, 'Hello', 'Hello, World!');");

    for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < uCount; uIndex ++)

    cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0);

    // Select from temp test table2

    strSQLQuery = _T("SELECT * FROM #TempTable2");

    if (SUCCEEDED(rs->Open(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), _variant_t(cn, true), adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, 0)))



    while (!rs->EndOfFile)


    // Add record to temp test table 1

    strSQLQuery = _T("INSERT INTO #TempTable1 VALUES(10000, 1000, 100, 10, 20000, 2000, 200, 20, 99.98, 1920/05/20, 'Hello', 'Hello, World!');");

    cn->Execute(_bstr_t(strSQLQuery), NULL, 0); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Error occurs.








    catch (_com_error &e) {

    printf("Description = '%s'", (char*) e.Description());






  • Temporary tables have session-level scope. A new connection will be unable to see temporary objects created in another connection. It is possible to use global temporary tables, but I would tend to discourage uses of global temporary tables even more than I discourage uses of temporary tables.

  • It looks as if only one connection is being used. When does the error occur; on table creation, row insert or the select?

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