Can you define a subscription that only sends an email if the condition is met?

  • Scenario: I would like to get notified (through email) if the weekly Sales in the NorthEast region are below $100,000. If the condition (Sales < 100K) is not met, I do not want to receive an email.

    In MS Reporting Services you can subscribe to a report, specify the delivery mechanism to be email and the schedule to be weekly. However, even if the report returns no records (the condition of Sales < 100K is not met), I will receive the email (with an empty table).

    Is there a way to specify that the email is only sent if the condition is met?

    Thanks in advance

  • You can create a data-driven subscription which does not return any records if sales < 100K

  • Thanks for your reply. That works for technical users that are proficient in SQL.

    However, in our case the people subscribing are business users that just want to leverage existing reports and define the thresholds/conditions that trigger an email. So, is there a simpler way of defining this? Something like a checkbox or property that says: "Do not send if result set is empty"


  • Unfortunately, there's nothing like a checkbox or property that says: "Do not send if result set is empty". But you can create this subscribtion for your business users. You can set different thresholds for each user

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