Can we send Job Notification to two seperate "Operators"

  • Can we send sql server job notification (emails) to two seperate operatos (for Ex "dba_on_call" and "backup_dba_on_call").

    One alternate to do this will be to include the emails of both "dba_on_call" and "backup_dba_on_call" to the same operator but in this case every job notification that is sent to one email will also be sent to other email. We wanted only some jobs notification to go to both.

    In the "job/Notification/Email-Operator" option the drop down lets me select only one operator.

    Thanks for all the help.



  • No you can't from what i know, but there is a work around. Create a new operator that contains email or Pager for both Operator1 and Operator2 like this DBA_Group(; <A href=""> Let me know if it is not clear.

  • you could also solve this at the mailserver level...where a group called DBANotifications is created, and dba's are added to that group...then have the scheduled job send to the group rather than an individual;

    it would also make administrtion easier, because onlt the DBA would edit the job to change the email...and if the DBA bolts, the emails continue going to the now ex-DBA until the new DBA gets around to reading and changing jobs;


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  • Thanks for the help "yaweah" and "Lowell". This definitely helps.

  • You can also use the page operator drop down to put an email address in.

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