Can Preview Data But get DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_64BIT_ERROR When running pkg

  • I have an ssis pkg where I'm connecting to an Oracle db with the native provider for ORacle in the connection manager. I can preview the data in the OLE Db Source but when I execute the pkg I get the following error:

    [Connection manager "SBORPTQ.CLT.nbscepp"] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_64BIT_ERROR. The requested OLE DB provider MSDAORA.1 is not registered -- perhaps no 64-bit provider is available. Error code: 0x00000000.

    An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".

  • I found several posts when searching this error with Google. This may help.


  • You are developing in 32-bit and running in 64, the 64-bit drivers are not installed on the server and therefore the class is not registered.

    Either install 64-bit drivers or force the package to run 32-bit.


  • Thanks Elliot, is there a setting to force it to run in 32 bit?

  • I found the following on forcing thepkg to run in 32 bit mode:


    Choosing Bitness Inside Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS)

    If you're running your package inside BIDS, the setup is simple unless you're using the Execute Package Task or Execute Process Task to run child packages.

    The package you currently have open will (by default) run in 64 bit mode. The setting that controls this is a property on the project called Run64BitRuntime. To access this property, right-click on the Integration Services project in your solution explorer and select Properties. Then select the Debugging node in the editor. The default here is "true", which means all the packages in this project will run in 64-bit mode. If you change this to "false", all the packages will be run in 32-bit mode.

  • Yep, thats it.. Glad they added it.. It was "unpleasant" to have to do that in SQL 2005..


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