Can I create a single report that queries different servers?

  • Can I create a single report that queries different servers?

  • If i understood correctly, then

    I think you would have to create linked servers from the main server on which you would be querying the report.

    Give a man a fish and he'll ask for a lemon. Teach a man to fish and he wont get paged on weekends !! :w00t: - desparately trying to fish [/size]

  • U Should use stored procedure and then u can use linked servers

  • If you want to show the information as a summary across the different servers, then you'll need to bring the data together somehow. You could use a summary table, or a stored procedure that utilises linked servers as stated above.

    However, if your report shows the information from the different servers as separately data regions, you can then just define as many datasources as required in the report. We have one report that references six different servers and shows the data in six separate tables.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Yes it appears that Reporting Services inherent way of using datasets makes this very easy. I did as you have Phil, created multiple datasets to different server and it works like a charm.

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