Can Email Address Contain a Period Character?

  • Hi All,

    I'm getting the "e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid" error for two subscriptions I set up. However, the email address I'm using is not an external address (requiring the SMTP relaying to be enabled). Is an email address like: valid for RS subscriptions?

    Thanks in advance!

    - Fred

  • According to the BOL any address will work.

    BOL ... "The report server does not validate e-mail addresses or obtain e-mail addresses from an e-mail server. You must know in advance which e-mail addresses you want to use. By default, you can e-mail reports to any valid e-mail account within or outside of your organization."

    1. Do other email addresses work? If "No" verify your config settings.

    2. Since this is an internal addy, you can use the email-alias. IE. John Smith as opposed to

    I know this isn't a definite answer, but hope it helps.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

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    Jason L. Selburg
  • Yes, the e-mail address can contain a period in the name.  We use them and it has not caused any issues with subscriptions.

  • using one period yes... Multiple periods no. You may wish to check RFC regarding this(Don't know off the top of my head). RFC states that as single period such as "" is OK. But some japanese cell phone companies (DOCOMO) allow "", which is not RFC standard. I had a client once that was wondering why Exchange could not send emails to people with ".." in the email address. Then he wanted the the RFC standard to change to fix his problem when he was told that Exchange adheres to the RFC standard. LOL.

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