Can allocated/actual database space be checked using a script

  • Hi,

    In SQL Server 2000, you can right click on a database and select view - TaskPad, which will give you the Space Allocated information: allocated data size for data and log files and used space for data and log files.

    Is there a way to check this using a script? How to check all databases for those values?

    Will it work in SQL Server 2005?

    Thanks heaps in advance!

  • does the following do the job for you, this would work in 2005 but I'm not sure if it would in 2000 or not.

    USE DatabaseName


    EXEC sp_helpfile


    books online link to sp_helpfile

  • Nick_UK (11/27/2009)

    does the following do the job for you, this would work in 2005 but I'm not sure if it would in 2000 or not.

    USE DatabaseName


    EXEC sp_helpfile


    books online link to sp_helpfile

    I guess it does not solve the OP's problem.

    Use this

    select * from Master.dbo.sysperfinfo where [object_name] = 'SQLServer:Databases'

    and (counter_name = 'Log File(s) Size (KB)' or counter_name = 'Log File(s) Used Size (KB)')

    It will display the details for log file.

    I am in a rush for a meeting, will reply with the code for Data files.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • This script gets the file information for every database on a server, inserts it into temp table, and queries it multiple ways to give various levels of analysis of file space usage.

    Get Server Database File Information

  • Hi, thank you for replying. I will try those scripts and get back to you. 🙂

  • Hi Michael,

    The script worked great. It's very detailed!

    Is there a way to stop rounding of the File_size_used and file_size_unused values? Currently it may display 7606, while in Taskpad view it's actually 7606.6, and 1139 instead of 1182.88?

    thanks again!:cool:

  • Yes, there is way to stop rounding of the values,

    In the code try to remove the Round () function. I do not have SQL system to test on.

    Also it is "Michael Valentine Jones " Not SSC Committed, it is a Level Name give to every user based on their points. 🙂

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

    Join on Facebook Page Facebook.comLearnSQLWithBru

    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • LOL. 😀

    Sorry, I'm a newbie here as you can tell. I"ll give that a go. Thanks.

  • maria_gallagher (11/29/2009)

    Hi Michael,

    The script worked great. It's very detailed!

    Is there a way to stop rounding of the File_size_used and file_size_unused values? Currently it may display 7606, while in Taskpad view it's actually 7606.6, and 1139 instead of 1182.88?

    thanks again!:cool:

    As suggested by Bru Medishetty, you can modify the script to any level of rounding that you want. However, it seems like a waste of time to me to worry about amounts less than 1 MB.

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