Can a storedproc determine how busy the server is?

  • I have a monitor/notify requirement on a large production system. It needs to run just about non-stop 24/7, and is scheduled to fire once a minute.

    There are a few very quick tasks it needs to perform (so no problem there), and then one task which could potentially eat a chunk of the CPU time (which is the bit I'm worried about). Since this IS a busy production environment, it would be preferable if the hefty task is fired ONLY when the CPU usage is currently low.

    The question is: HOW do I determine (with a storedproc) how busy the server is?

    All thoughts much appreciated.

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  • Try using an "SQL Server Performance Condition Alert" from the Alert section in Enterprise Manager, this is found under "management" - "SQL Server Agent" - "Alert".  In here you can specify that once the CPU usage as dropped below X you can then tell the alert to fire a job.  If you need further info please advise.

  • That's a great idea, Mark. Thanks lots.

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