Calling Web Service From Stored Procedure or Function

  • Is it possible to call a web service from a stored procedure? We are looking

    to access google maps' web service to obtain latitude and longitude values

    for addresses to calculate more accurate distance calculations. Do I have to use the CLR Integration and a C# assembly, for example, or can I do it strictly in T-SQL? Thanks in


  • Ken,

    Your best bet would be to write a CLR based function to return the Lat / Long based on the address passed to it. This way it will be reusable code for all of your stored procedures and functions.


  • Thanks Rich. That is exactly what all of my research has returned.

  • To be honest I would not do this on the DB Server. I'd rather have a client App do the WebService search ... but then again is your call, not mine 😀

    * Noel

  • What are the pros and cons of implementing from the DB server as opposed to a client application? Security? Performance? Operability? Thanks in advance.

  • Off the top of my head, there are a couple of pretty significant cons.

    1- You will be allowing SQL to go outside of your firewall, which is never a good thing.

    2- You will be creating a synchronous process inside your database that will be dependant upon a web based process. This could potentially create locking problems if transactions start to take a very long time.

    I'm sure there are more, but these are 2 that I can see right off the top of my head.

    HTH :hehe:

  • yes, it helps. thank you. i will also investigate other gotchas.

  • You have to be careful, but this can be implemented pretty safely. Using the CLR to call a web service works fine.

    The most common things to work out are always in the handling of unusual situations - what happens if the web service is unavailable or your network connection is down?, how long do you wait for a timeout?, etc.

  • Good points. I assume these concerns would normally be handled in the web service (assuming SQL Server was not involved). If SQL Server was utililezed to implement, how would these conditions be best handled?

  • The implementation of this at the DB Level implies also are :

    1. "CLR" memory must be consumed. In other words less Memory / CPU for what SQL Does best.

    2. You must track resource usage /leakage on the server. If something goes wrong a Server reboot is not a pretty picture on the client it would be no biggie

    3. Hopefully you don't call this proc in a middle of a transaction but you are opening those doors 😉

    And many more. Don't get me wrong you can use CLR stored procedures but so far I have found that external access are alot better handled by the clients in the long run.

    Then again I am just one case maybe others have had better luck :hehe:


    * Noel

  • Thank you. The overwhelming trend seems to be to do this at the client level.

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