calling SP with parameters in ssis

  • Hi all,

    I am lost to do this:

    @id = 'select disctint id from idtable'

    @sp1 = 'select sp1 from table where key = '143''

    @sp2 = 'select sp2 from table where key = '143''

    @sp3 = 'select sp3 from table where key = '143''

    @sp4 = 'select sp4 from table where key = '143''

    Exec sp_data_cont 143, 234, @id, @sp1, @sp2, @sp3, @sp4

    how can i pass values to parameters!?

    please guide!!



  • hi

    Take a "Execute SQL Task"

    Give you SP Name as input to SQL Command object. type question marks as placeholder for your parameters.

    In second tab, you can map your parameters through parameter mapping tab.



  • hi,

    i did that and getting following error.

    I have variable called imp with datatype string and value select sp1 from table where id = '143'

    and in sql command exec spname ? (the paratement in sp is nvarchar)

    error: "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'select sp1 from table where id = '143'' to data type int.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    what am i doing wrong?

  • Not completely sure what you are trying to get at but might try something like this:

    select disctint @id = id from idtable

    select @sp1 = sp1, @sp2 = sp2, @sp3 = sp3, @sp4 = sp4 from table where key = '143'

    Exec sp_data_cont 143, 234, @id, @sp1, @sp2, @sp3, @sp4

    Hope this helps

  • thanks that looks like it worked.



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