Calling a SISS package from MS Access

  • Hi,

    I recently implemented a call from MS Access to call a dts package but have now been told that the production server is SQL 2005.

    I have created a new SISS project which is stored on a local server.

    Question is how do I amend my call to the new SISS package.

    The new SISS package has one task which is a execute DTS task.

    My call from Access to call the original DTS package was

    '------------------------Start of VBA call

    'run DTS package

    Dim oPkg, oStep, sMessage, bStatus

    Const DTSSQLStgFlag_Default = 0

    Const DTSStepExecResult_Failure = 1

    Set oPkg = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer "MyServer", "MyUserName", "MyPwd", 0, , , , "DTS Package Name"


    Set oPkg = Nothing

    '------------------------End of VBA call

    I don't know if SISS packages are stored externally but that is what it looks like to me.

    Any help VERY welcome.


  • sorted ...

    I just changed this line

    oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer "MyServer", "MyUserName", "MyPwd", 0, , , , "Full path name and name of DTS package.dtsx"


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